Timeline computers 1953.manchestertc

Computer History

  • Computer Language - C Programming

    Computer Language - C Programming
    1972 C Programming Computer Language - Dennis Ritchie Most popular computer language and used widely throughout various computer applications.
  • VHS

    1976 VHS System - JVC Allowed the public to be able to record videos.
  • Apple Computer Creation

    Apple Computer Creation
    1976 Apple Computer - Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak First personal computer that was affordable to many; changing schools and offices forever.
  • Atari

    1977 Atari - Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney Used microprocessors and ROM drive
  • MRI

    1976 MRI Invented - Raymond Damadian Changed medicine by allowing doctors to see detailed images of organs and tissues, which assists in the diagnosis of health conditions.