
Child Development Timeline

  • Prenatal- Fertilization

    Prenatal- Fertilization
    Fertilization, or conception, is when the sperm and the ovum join. This creates a single-cell zygote which is the start of life. When the sperm enters the vagina it takes a journey through the cervix and goes into the fallopian tube where the fertilization takes place. The domain of this development would be physical. My picture was found at this website:
  • Prenatal- Germinal Stage

    Prenatal- Germinal Stage
    The germinal stage is from fertilization to two weeks. During this stage the zygote begins to divide and grow. The fertilized egg travels toward the uterus where it attaches to the uterus's wall. Here the zygote can get nutrients to grow. This stage is the first and shortest stage of the prenatal period. The domain of this development would again be physical and the website where I found my picture is:
  • Prenatal- Embryonic Stage

    Prenatal- Embryonic Stage
    The embryonic stage lasts from two weeks to eight weeks and at this point the organism is secured onto the uterus wall. The child now is called an embryo. During this stage the development of the major organs and basic anatomy occur. At the end of this stage the embryo is only an inch long and appears to have gills and a tail-like structure, but it also has eyes, nose, lips, and even teeth. The domain of development would be physical and I found this image at this website:
  • Prenatal- Fetal Stage

    Prenatal- Fetal Stage
    This stage is from eight weeks to birth. It begins when the differentiation of the major organs has occurred. The baby is now called a fetus and is rapidly changing. During this stage the baby is growing and gaining weight. The fetus is also becoming more complex and the organs start to work. The fetus can become very active and the brain becomes sophisticated. The fetus can also hear. The domain of development is physical and the website I found my picture is: http://latterdaycommentary.files.w
  • Infancy- Growth

    Infancy- Growth
    For growth, the domain of development is physical. An infant grows rapidly over the first two years of their lives. In fact, by 5 months their bithweight has doubled and by one years old it has tripled. Not all parts of an infant's body grow at the same rate. At birth the newborns head accounts for one-quarter of their body, by the age of two the baby's head is only one fifth of body length, and finally by adulthood it is only one eighth. Source of picture:
  • Infancy- Nervous System

    Infancy- Nervous System
    The domain of the nervous system is physical. The nervous system consists of the brain and the nerves extended throughout the body. The basic cells of the nervous system are called neurons and these neurons can communicate with other cells using a cluster of fibers called dendrites. Neurons also have a long extension called an axon, that carries messages destined for other neurons. Infants are born with between 100 and 200 billion neurons. I found this picture at:
  • Infancy- Vision

    Infancy- Vision
    The domain of this development is physical. An infant can only see with accuracy visual material up to 20 feet which means that their distance vision is one tenth to one third that of the average adult's. By six months an infant's vision is already 20/20. Around 14 weeks binocular vision occurs which is the ability to combine the images coming to each eye to see depth and motion. Depth perception helps babies acknowledge heights and avoid falls. My source is from: http://www.spexexpression
  • Infancy- Hearing

    Infancy- Hearing
    The domain of hearing is physical. Infants hear from the time of birth and even before in the womb. Because of this, infants are more sensitive to certain high and low frequencies than adults but are less sensitive to middle-range frequencies. In order to hear effectively infants also need sound localization that allows a person to pinpoint the direction from which a sound is coming from. Infant's sound localization reach adult levels by the age of 1. My source is from:
  • Toddlerhood- Attachment

    Toddlerhood- Attachment
    The domain of attachment is socio-emotional. Attachment is the positive emotional bond that develops between a child and a particular, special individual. When an attachment is formed, children fell pleasure when they are with them and felld comforted by their presence at times of distress. Freud suggests that attachment grows out of a mother's ability to satisfy a child's oral needs, such as providing food and other physiological needs. My picture is from the website:
  • Toddlerhood-Temperament

    The domain of development is socio-emotional. Temperament encompasses patterns of arousal and emotionality that are consistent and enduring characteristics of an individual. It refers to how children behave. Temperament tends to be fairly stable well into adolescence but is not fixed and unchangeable. It is reflected in several dimensions of behavior and can be categorized into three profiles: easy, difficult, and slow-to-warm. My source is from:
  • Toddlerhood- Information-processing approaches

    Toddlerhood- Information-processing approaches
    The domain of information-processing approaches is cognitive. This is the model that seeks to identify the way that individuals take in, use, and store information. The foundations of information processing are encoding which is the initial recording of information, storage which is when information is saved for future use, and retrieval which is the recovery of stored information. As a toddler's brain develops they are able to separate people they know from people they don't. http://blog.lib.
  • Toddlerhood- Growth

    Toddlerhood- Growth
    The domain of growth in a toddler is physical. The average two year old in the United States weighs 25 to 30 pounds and is around 36 inches tall. This is around half the height of the average adult. At the age of 2 the differences in height and weight between boys and girls are relatively, but as they get older boys will start becoming taller and heavier, on average, than girls. The averages of growth is also affected by global economics. The picture is from:
  • Early Years- Brain Development

    Early Years- Brain Development
    Domain of development is physical. The brain grows at a faster rate than any other part of the body. By age 5 children's brains weigh 90% of average adult brain weight. The brain grows rapidly because of the increase in the number of interconnections among cells. Also, the amount of myelin increases, which speeds the transmission of electrical impulses along brain cells but also adds to brain weight. Children who are malnourished show delays in brain development. Source:
  • Early Years- Growth of Language

    Early Years- Growth of Language
    The domain of development for the growth of language is cognitive. Language progresses rapidly between the late twos and the mid-threes. During this time sentence length increases at a steady pace, and the ways in which children at this age combine words and phrases to form sentences (known as syntax) doubles each month. By the age of 3 the various combinations reach into the thousands and by age 6 the average child has a vocabulary around 14,000 words. My source is from
  • Early Years- Memory

    Early Years- Memory
    The domain of development for memory is cognitive. Autobiographical memory is the memory of particular events from one's own life, achieves little accuracy until after 3 yrs. of age. Accuracy then increases gradually and slowly throughout the preschool years. The accuracy of preschoolers' memories is partly determined by how soon the memories are assessed. Only memories that are vivid and meaningful are usually remembered. My source is from:
  • Early Years- Development of Friendships

    Early Years- Development of Friendships
    The domain of development is socio-emotional. Around the age of 3 children begin to develop real friendships. Their relations with peers are based on the desire for companionship, play, and fun. As children become older their ideas about friendship gradually evolve and they come to view it has a continuing state, a stable relationship that takes place not just in the immediate moment, but also offers the promise of future activity. My source is from:
  • Middle Childhood- Growth

    Middle Childhood- Growth
    The domain of development of growth is physical. Children in the United States, who are still in elementary school, on average grow 2 to 3 inches a year and gain around 5 to 7 pounds per year as well. This means that the average height for girls is 4 feet 10 inches and boys average height is 4 feet 9 1/2 inches. In middle childhood, children's "baby fat" disappears and they become more muscular and their strength increases. My source is from:
  • Middle Childhood- Self-esteem

    Middle Childhood- Self-esteem
    The domain of development is socio-emotional. Self-esteem is an individual's overall and specific positive and negative self-evaluation. In middle childhood, children compare themselves to others and assess how they measure up to society's standards. They also develop their own internal standards of success and they can see how well they compare to those. Self-esteem increases during middle childhood and has a brief decline around the age of 12. My source is from:
  • Middle Childhood- Language

    Middle Childhood- Language
    The domain of development for language is cognitive. During middle childhood vocabulary continues to increase at a fairly rapid pace. The average 6 year old has a vocabulary from 8,000 to 14,000 words and continues to grow another 5,000 words between the ages of 9 and 11. During this stage, children's mastery of grammer also improves and the use of both passive voice and conditional sentences increases. Also, their understanding of syntax increases. My source is from:
  • Middle Childhood- Family

    Middle Childhood- Family
    The domain of development is socio-emotional. During middle childhood children spend less time with their parents but they still remain the major influence in their children's lives. This is because parents provide essential assistance, advice, and direction. Siblings also have an important influence on children during this time, good or bad. Siblings can provide support, companionship, and a sense of security, but they can also be a source of strife. Source:
  • Adolescence- Growth

    Adolescence- Growth
    The domain of development of growth is physical. Adolescents can grow several inches in just a few months. This transformation is the adolescent growth spurt, or a period of very rapid growth in height and weight. On average boys grows 4.1 inches a year and girls 3.5 inches a year but some adolescents can grow as much as 5 inches in one year! These growth spurts begin at different times. Girls start their spurts around 10 while boys start around age 12. My source is
  • Adolescence- Egocentrism

    Adolescence- Egocentrism
    The domain of development for adolescent egocentrism is cognitive. Adolescent egocentrism is a state of self-absorption in which the world is viewed as focused on oneself. This makes teenagers highly critical of their parents and/or teachers and unwilling to accept criticism. It also makes them quick to find fault with other's behavior. Adolescents also sometimes develop an imaginary audience or personal fables. My source is from:
  • Adolescence- Self-Esteem

    Adolescence- Self-Esteem
    The domain of development is socio-emotional. During adolescence, teenagers start understanding who they are but this doesn't guarantee that they like themselves. In fact, their increasing accuracy in understanding themselves permits them to see themselves fully. It's what they do with these perceptions that leads them to develop a sense of their self-esteem. In early adolescence girls' self-esteem tends to be lower and more vulnerable than boys'. My source is from:
  • Adolescence- Relationships with Peers

    Adolescence- Relationships with Peers
    The domain of development is socio-emotional. The role that peers play in adolescence is a major one. Adolescents spend an increasing amount of time with their peers and there is probably no period in life in which peer relationships are as important as they are during this time in their lives. Peers provide each other with the opportunity to compare and evaluate opinions, abilities, and even physical changes. This is called social comparison. My source is from: