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Child Development

  • Prenatal - Digestive System

    Prenatal - Digestive System
    The domain of development is physical. The digestive system starts to develop during the embryonic stage. In the embryonic stage, there are three layers of organ development. The digestive system is one of the few organs in the middle layer, known as the endoderm. In the fetal stage, the fetus can start to swallow and urinate. The digestive system becomes more complex. *source of the image was found at
  • Prenatal - Brain

    Prenatal - Brain
    The domain of development is cognitive. During the embryonic stage, the embryo grows and starts to make neurons in the brain. In the fetal stage, it becomes more sophisticated. The left and right hemispheres grow. The connections between the neurons start to become more complex. *source of image was found at
  • Prenatal - Movement

    Prenatal - Movement
    This domain of development is physical. By 4 months, the mother can feel movement of the baby. Later on, she can also start to feel kicks through her skin. A fetus can be very active or be really sedentary. The baby’s activity is based on genetics. *source of the image was found at
  • Prenatal - Hearing

    Prenatal - Hearing
    This domain of development is physical. By 5 months, the fetus can feel vibrations of sound through the mother’s skin. It is amazing that the fetus can remember songs and stories that were told during the time they could hear. *source for the image can be found at
  • Infancy - Reflexes

    Infancy - Reflexes
    This domain of development is physical. When infants are born, they have natural reflexes. These reflexes are described as unlearned, involuntary responses that happen automatically when there is certain stimuli. These reflexes help them be protected from their surroundings and is also considered a "survival" technique. Source of the Image:
  • Infancy - Crawling

    Infancy - Crawling
    The domain of development is physical. The beginning of crawling starts with infants moving their arms and legs while on their tummy. Gradually, the infant begins to learn that this motion can help them move forward. This milestone occurs around 8-10 months. Source of the Image:
  • Infancy - Introduce Solid Food

    Infancy - Introduce Solid Food
    This domain of development is physical. As infants grow older, the more nutrients they need. Though solid food isn't needed until about 9-12 months, parents can introduce solid food at 6 months. The process of introducing solid foods needs to be gradual. An example of a solid food would be cereal or strained fruit. Source of Image:
  • Infancy - Sweet Tooth

    Infancy - Sweet Tooth
    The domain of development for an infant's "sweet tooth" is physical. When said that an infant has a "sweet tooth", it means that they have a taste for sweeter foods. Such as, they show a face of disgust for something that tastes bitter. Infants suck sweeten bottles and smile at a sweet-tasting liquid. Source of Image:
  • Toddlerhood - Pushing and Pulling

    Toddlerhood - Pushing and Pulling
    This domain of development is physical. By this age, toddlers are pretty confident with walking by themselves. They are now able to push and pull toys around as they walk. This practice with help continue to develop their coordination. Source of Image:
  • Toddlerhood - Speech

    Toddlerhood - Speech
    This domain of development is cognitive. By the toddler's first birthday, they generally are able to say a few words meaningfully. This range of development continues to grow as the months move by. Toddlers start to copy words that their parents or other caregivers say. Their speech develops very quickly. Source of Image:
  • Toddlerhood - Relationships

    Toddlerhood - Relationships
    This domain of development is socio-emotional. Toddlers start to be aware of other people. They start to make relationships with children their age. The start of socialization is around 12 months. This is when they play with their playmate, but are very protective of their toys. Toddler's socialization becomes more developed as they grow a little older, and they become better playmates with other toddlers. Source of Image:
  • Toddlerhood - Attachment

    Toddlerhood - Attachment
    This domain of development is socio-emotional. Around 14-18 months, toddlers experience seperation anxiety when they are away from their parents. This is when the toddler is in great distress when the parents is gone. As toddlers grow older, they are able to make more than one attachment besides their parents. Soon, the seperation anxiety subsides enough that the parent can leave and the toddler learns to cope until the parent is back. Source of Image:
  • Early Years - Gross Motor Skills

    Early Years - Gross Motor Skills
    This domain of development is physical. As children get a little older, they have gained better control over their muscles. This enables them to do many activities that they couldn't before. Some activites would be throwing a ball accurately, climb ladders, and even ride a bike. In their early years, they have increased their coordination. Source of Image:
  • Early Years - Potty Training

    Early Years - Potty Training
    This domain of development is physical and cognitive. Children have to be both physically and emotionally ready to show readiness to potty train. During the early years of childhood is when most children are ready to start potty training. There is no specific time to begin potty training. When a child is beginning to potty train, it should be done early and quickly. Source of Image:
  • Early Years - Intuitive Thought

    Early Years - Intuitive Thought
    This domain of development is cognitive. During the early years of childhood, children start to ask a wide variety of questions. The most common is to hear a child asking "Why?" to many different situations and circumstances. Intuitive thought is children thinking and wanting more knowledge about the world around them. During this time, children are wanting to know more. Source of Image:
  • Early Years - Handedness

    Early Years - Handedness
    This domain of development is physical. Handedness is when there is a distinct preference for one hand rather than the other hand. This preference is often seen right after birth, when an infant prefers one side of the body. But most children show their preference of a certain hand during the early years of childhood. Source of Image:
  • Middle Childhood - Fine Motor Skills

    Middle Childhood - Fine Motor Skills
    This domain of development is physical. During middle childhood, a child's fine motor skills increase. This increase allows them to have better coordination. Some of the accomplishments could be typing at a computer keyboard, writing in cursive, or drawing detailed pictures. Source of the Image
  • Middle Childhood - Memory

    Middle Childhood - Memory
    This domain of development is cognitive. As children grow older, they become increasingly sophisticated in handling information. Their memory allows them to process more data. Children's increase in memory also sophisticates the "programs" in which process the information. Source of the Image
  • Middle Childhood - Vocabulary

    Middle Childhood - Vocabulary
    This domain of development is cognitive. During middle childhood, a child's voabulary increases. It is amazing that the average child's vocabulary ranges from 8,000 to 14,000 words. Children at this age are also able to prounouce words more accurately. Source of the Image
  • Middle Childhood - Friendship

    Middle Childhood - Friendship
    This domain of development is socio-emotional. During this time period, friendship starts to provide more than just entertainment. It is able to provide children with information about the world. Children at this age are able to give each other the emotional support and training ground for communicating. It can help with intellectual growth by increasing a child's range of experiences. Source of the Image
  • Adolescence - Puberty

    Adolescence - Puberty
    This domain of development is physical. During adolescence, girls and boys both go through puberty. This period is when the sexual organs mature. It begins with the pituitary gland in the brain that signals to the child's body to produce sex hormones. These sex hormones are known as androgens (in males) and estrogens (in females). Source of Image:
  • Adolescence - Metacognition

    Adolescence - Metacognition
    This domain of development is cognitive. Children start to improve their understanding of their memory capacity. Metacognition is the ability to understand one's own thinking process. The improvement of understanding memory capacity can help the child with knowing how long they need to study and memorize for a test. Source of Image:
  • Adolescence - Work

    Adolescence - Work
    This domain of development is socio-emotional. Most high school students are involved with work. The students have to juggle with their school work and their work hours. Source of Image:
  • Adolescence - Dating

    This domain of development is socio-emotional. Most children start dating at a young age. Society often promotes young dating, in order for the teens to experience and explore. Dating is different among cultures, but relatively teens start dating at a young age. Source of Image: