Chapter 11&12 timeline

  • Piaget- Preoperational

    Understand and use words and symbols
    Egocentric- unable to see from another persons view point
  • Piaget- Concrete Operational

    Logic= known objects and experiences
    No abstract thinking
  • Piaget- Formal Operational

    Abstract thinking
    Able to problem solve and reason
  • Kohlberg- Pre-conventional (0-9)

    Choices based on consequences
    Stage 1- Moral reasoning based on avoiding punishment
  • Kohlberg- Pre-conventional (0-9)

    Choices made relating to consequences
    Stage 2- morals based on satisfying someone's needs
  • Kohlberg- Conventional (9-16)

    Choices based on wrong and right
    Stage 3- Morals based on maintaining approval and meeting expectations
  • Kohlberg- Conventional (9-16)

    Choices based on wrong and right
    Stage 4- Morals based on maintaining social order
  • Kohlberg- Post-conventional (16+)

    Choices based on morals
    Stage 5- Morals in place. You value laws but create excuses as to why it's okay.
  • Kohlberg- Post-conventional (16+)

    Choices made on morals
    Stage 6- Rely on own consciousness to make choices
  • Piaget- Sensory Motor

    Object permanence takes place, vision gets related to touch.
  • Period: to


    Infancy is from birth until age two.
    Infants double birth weight in about 5 months.
    Triple birth weight in a year
    Grow about 10 inches the first year and about 6 the second year.
  • Period: to

    Early adolescence

    Ages 11-14
    Have a growth spurt lasting two or three years
    Growth of 8-12 inches
    Girls usually have the growth spurt before boys.
    Begin puberty
    Boys voices deepen, hair growth occurs, and sexual organs grow. Heart and lungs grow as well as muscles.
    Girls ovaries secrete more estrogen, breast tissue grows, pelvic region widens and hips become rounder. Hair growth occurs. Menstruation.
  • Period: to

    Middle adolescence

    Ages 15-18
    As hormones begin to change they can have some effect on the activity levels, mood swings, and aggressive tendencies of the adolescent.
  • Period: to

    Late adolescence

    Ages 18-21
    Reach physical and cognitive peak at 20
    30's you reassess your life/settle down.
  • Period: to

    Young adulthood

    Ages 21-40
    Most people reach their physical peak in their 20's. During their 20's and early 30's, they are faster, stronger, better coordinated, and have more endurance than they have ever had or will ever have again
  • Period: to

    Middle adulthood

    Ages 40-65
    By age 40, most people have begun to lose some of the strength, coordination, and stamina they had in their 20's and 30's.
    At around age 40, women are encouraged to begin having regular mammograms—specialized x-rays for early detection of breast cancer—and are considered at greater risk for various types of cancer.
  • Period: to

    Late adulthood

    Wrinkles and skin folds appear as the skin becomes less elastic. Some of the senses become less sharp. In general, older people do not see and hear as well as younger people. A decline in the sense of smell leads many older people to add more spices to their food for flavor. The reflexes and the reaction time of older people also tend to be a little slower than those of younger people.
  • Turning on side

    Turning on side
    The average infant turns on it's side around four months of age.
  • Turning from stomach to back

    Turning from stomach to back
    Infants usually turn on their backs at five months.
  • Turning from back to stomach

    Turning from back to stomach
    This typically happens around six months.
  • Sitting

    Happens around seven months
  • Crawling

    This usually happens around eight to nine months.
  • Kneeling

    Kneeling usually occurs around ten or eleven months.
  • Standing

    Standing occurs around twelve to thirteen months.
  • Walking

    Walking occurs around fourteen to fifteen months.
  • Period: to


    Childhood occurs from ages two to ten.
    Gain about 2-3 inches a year
    Gain around 4-6 pounds a year until beginning adolescence