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Cesar Chavez

  • Born in Arizona

    Born in Arizona
    Cesar Chavez spent his entire childhood in poverty for 11 years.
  • He lived in Arizona

    He lived in Arizona
    Cesar lived with his parents at farm raising chickens, watermelons, and vegetables.
  • Family went broke

    Family went broke
    His Family became migrant workers, traveling from place to place, following the California crops and lost all of their money because of Great Depression.
  • Changed schools

    Changed schools
    1938-1943 Cesar Chavez attended more than 30 different schools.
  • He got married

    He got married
    When Cesar was 21 years old he, he married a women named Helen. In the future they had 8 children. Helen has always supported him in everything.
  • He got his first steady job

    He got his first steady job
    Cesar Chavez became a staff member of the Community Service Organization, a group dedicated to protecting the civil rights of Mexican Americans. The group fought discrimination by encouraging Mexican Americans to register to vote.
  • He quit his job

    He quit his job
    His family was not rich, but they had enough money to pay the bills. But Cesar was not satisfied, because he new that there is a lot of farm workers with no rights and he wanted to help them.He left his job to form a union of Mexican Migrant Workers.
  • Started La Causa

    Started La Causa
    Cesar Chavez dream of uniting farm workers became known as La Causa ( Spanish phrase that means " the cause ").In 1965 the union, which became known as the United Farm Workers Association, had just few thousand members.
  • Battle with grape growers of California

    Battle with grape growers of California
    Filipino grape pickers decided to go on strike. The pickers were angry because the growers table grapes had just lowered wages by more than 25 percent. The members of the United Farm Workers Association took a vote and decided to join the Filipinos. All the grape pickers in the union went on strike.
  • Boycott of California Grapes

    Boycott of California Grapes
    Cesar Chavez would ask the public to stop buying California grapes , as a show of support for the workers.
  • He decided to go on fast

    He decided to go on fast
    Although the boycott was successful, the grape growers still refused to accept the union. Union members had no work, so they started to talk about using violence. Cesar tried to stop talks about violence. He decided to go on fast and soon it ceased. Union members were more determined and united.
  • They signed union contract

    They signed union contract
    California grape growers gave in. They signed the first union contract with farm workers.
  • He became a symbol for all oppressed workers

    He became a symbol for all oppressed workers
    1970-1993 Until he died he was fighting for equal rights for all workers.
  • Died in Arizona

    Died in Arizona
    Cesar Estrada Chavez died peacefully in his sleep on April 23, 1993 near Yuma,Arizona a short distance from the small family farm in the Gila River Valley where he was born more than 66 years before.
  • Cesar Chavez Day

    Cesar Chavez Day
    It's a federal commemorative holiday in the U.S. by proclamation of President Obama in 2014. On March 31 of each year, it celebrates the birth and legacy of the civil rights and labor movement activist Cesar Chavez.