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Byzantine Emperors

  • Period: 280 to 337

    Constantine The Great

    •Born: 280
    •Death: 337
    •Reign 306-337
    •Son of Constantius
    • Served the army
    • Killed his son
    • Founded Constantinople
    • Made Christianity Rome’s official religion
    • Was Christian
    • Reunited the empire
  • 312

    The Battle of the Milvian Bridge

    The Battle of the Milvian Bridge
    The battle of Constantine versus the userper Maxentius
  • Period: 347 to 395

    Theodosius I

    •Born 347
    •Died 395
    • Reunited the empire
    • Last to rule a reunited empire
    • Fought two userpers
    • ruled east and then all the empire
    • Stopped goth invasion
  • Period: 483 to 565

    Justinian I

    •Born 483
    •Died 565
    • Married Theodora
    • Byzantine Golden Age
    • Made Hagia Sophia
    • Created Code of laws (Justinian Code)
    • Reunited the empire
    • Ended nikka riots
  • Period: 497 to 548


    • Born 497
    • Died 548
    • Married Justinian and Ruled as co-emperor with him
    • Helped stop the nikka riots
    • Possibly the most powerful woman in Byzantine history
    • Became Prostitute at a young age
  • 532

    The Nika riots End

    The Nika riots End
    The Nika riots end as emperor Justinian kills all the rebels
  • 557

    The Hagia Sophia

    The Hagia Sophia
    The building of the Hagia Sophia is finished in 5 years
  • Period: 571 to 641


    •Born in 571
    •Died in 641
    •Ruled 610-641
    • Reorganized and strengthened the military administration
    • Lost many territories to the Arab Muslims
    • Ruled in a crisis of the Byzantine empire
  • Period: 752 to 803


    • First empress
    • Crushed iconoclasts
    • Ended iconoclasm
    • Banished from court but later allowed to co-rule with her son
  • Period: 958 to 1025

    Basil II

    •Born 958
    •Died 1025
    •Ruled 926-1025
    •Known as bulgar slayer
    •Blinded 14,000 bulgars and each 100 left with one eye
    • Considered one of the best emperors
    • Ended revolts
  • Period: 978 to 1050


    •Born 978
    •Died 1050
    • Ruled 1028-1041 in her own right
    • Married 3 men
    • Poisoned her 1st husband
    • Ruled with Theodora
    • Jealous of Theodora this exiling her
    • To manta in position married a man called Constantine IX and Ruled with him until her death
  • 1014

    Battle of Kleidion

    Battle of Kleidion
    Basil II ambushes the bulgars blinding all of them and every 100 left with one eye to lead the way home