
Business Economic Events

  • Tobacco

    A colonist named John Rolfe brought Tobacco to the Americas. It made the Americas a good exporting region and later a good trade place.
  • Currency Act

    Currency Act
    The currency Act of 1751 helped the growth of the economy in early america. This regulated the currency in america and would be useful later on in their history.
  • Electricity

    Ben Franklin discovering electricity would not effect the economy back then but when the light bulb and other electric things were invented the demand for those products really went up. The need for these thing effected the economy greatly.
  • Revolutionary War

    Revolutionary War
    Since we declared our war on Great Britain, many countries decided to cut trade with the colonies. The amount of money being brought into america during the war decrease and after the war, we were in debt.Eventually the economy went back to normal.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The war of 1812 begins causing the government to have problems in funding for the war without the bank of america. Although the funding was bad, the American business and manufacturing went up because of lack of british trade.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The Civil War had a big effect on the american economy because of the expensiveness and conflict. After the war, the U.S. was in $65 million in debt. Although they were debt, the american businesses were thriving because of the need of materials.
  • Slavery

    A big economic event that happened very early on was slavery. This need for slavery increased labor and producing things that they were used for, usually cotton picking, quickened increasing the supply. It could also help with the tradd of things because things were being produced quicker. Ended in 1865.
  • Assembly Line

    Assembly Line
    The assembly line increased the time it took to make and manufacture goods and products. It helped the economy grow in producing goods and products and increasing supply and demand.
  • World War 1

    Before the war, the economy was in a recession. As the war began, the Europeans would purchase American goods for the war which caused a boom in the economy. As the U.S. decided to join the war the economy continued to thrive.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    The Great Depression caused a great decline in the economy, Many of the banks in america had to shut down and close due to the problems. Industrial production, and unemployment were decreasing very fast and dramatically.
  • Olympic Games

    Olympic Games
    The event impacted our economy by bring many foreigners and tourist to LA and have them buy things in big numbers and just boosted the economy.
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    Like most wars, World War 2 helped America out of the depression it was in. They helped the economy boom because of the goods and products they were making for the war and trade for the war.
  • Internet

    The internet impacted the economy because it made marketing, selling, and advertising a lot easier. Many business adapted to this and changed their way of doing business.