
APUSH timeline 1954-1975

  • Dwight D. Eisenhower

    Dwight D. Eisenhower
    Dwight D. EisenhowerPresident Eisenhower was a commanding general during WWII. This man's greatest accomplishment during the war was D-Day which took place on the shores of Normandy in June 194. Eisenhower was loved by the public and was the only president who served the country as a general in the tweintieth century.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Civil RightsIn Mongomery, Alabama, a brave NAACP member, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man. As a result she was arrested and the Montgomery black community launched a national bus boycotted. The move finally payed off in December 21, 1956 when the buses became desegreagated. Rea
  • Interstate Highway System

    Interstate Highway System
    Dwight D. Eisenhower In the year 1956, President Eisenhower signed the Federal Aid Highway Act that called for the development of the nation's Interstate highway system. His motivation was the safety of the nation due to the Cold War that the nation faced at the time. The highways were designed to to evacuate big citiies and would allow the US military to move in at a short notice.
  • Eisenhower Doctrine

    Eisenhower Doctrine
    eisenhower doctrine mapDwight D. EisenhowerThe United States was known for being the protector of the Western interests in the middle east and as a result Eisenhower promoted his "Eisenhower Doctrine" in January 1957. This doctrine called for the United States to become involved in the middle east with its armed forces if a threat of communism was present. As a result, Eisenhower sent 15,000 soldiers to Lebanon on a non-combat peace keeping mission to maintain a pro-Western government.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    Civil RightsThe nation realized that integration seemed like a simple idea but was actually difficult especially in some parts of the country like in LIttle Rock, Arkansas. The Central High School of the city blocked its doors to nine students when the day came for the school to become integrated.President Eisenhower sent federal troops and the National Guard to express his seriousness towards the issue. The brave nine students went on to be known as the "Little Rock Nine".
  • John F. Kennedy

    John F. Kennedy
    Life of John F. Kennedy President Kennedy was well known for his charm and youth. He embodied America's new generation in the government and was the yougest president ever elected at the age of 43. He believed that America was capable of progress and he greatly aided the country with what he knew were moral values and jump started the nation's Civil Rights Movement.
  • The Bay of Pigs

    The Bay of Pigs
    bay of pigsCold WarPresident Kennedy's goal with this operation was to overthrow the communist Castro in Cuba and establish a non-communist government that would be at peace with the United States. Kennedy hoped that the exiles would rile up great numbers of citizens that would overthrow Castro's government. The exiles were met with unexpected cuban forces and the US failed to provide them back up help. But Kennedy redeemed himself by taking esposibility for the fail which showed great character from his part.
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders
    Civil RightsOver the summer seasons, student volunteers started to take bus trips throughout the South to test the new laws that were being set into place concerning desegregation in bus and railway stations.Many of the courageous groupswere attacked by angry mobs along their long voyages.1,000 volunteers of both black and white backgrounds to part in the inmense project.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    Dino Brugioni’s bird’s-eye viewCuban Missile CrisisIn October 1962, an American spy plane photographed nuclear missile sites being built by the Soviet Union in the Communist Cuba.As a result Kennedy placed a naval blockade around Cuba.For thirtheen days both the United States and the Soviet Uniion were well aware of the Nuclear War threat. Finally both nations came to fair terms and the Soviets agreed to dismantle the nuclear sites in exchange for a pledge from the United States to reatin from a Cuban invasion.
  • Martin Luther King Jr's Arrest

    Martin Luther King Jr's Arrest
    Civil RightsMartin Luther King had been the great leader of anti-segregation protest in Birmingham, Alabama. He always refused to give up and never feared getting arrested for doing the right thing. He was finally arrested on April 16 and he took the time in his jail cell to write his reknown "Letter from Birmingham Jail," which argued that every individual had the right and the moral duty to disobey every unjust law that crossed their path.
  • Birmingham Protests

    Birmingham Protests
    Civil Rights The infamous Commissioner of Public Safety Eugene "Bull" Connor took the most absurd action against all the peaceful protestors in Birmingham, Alabama. He ordered the use of fire hoses and police dogs on black demonstrators. The horrid images were televised and it opened the eyes to the millions of citizens who came to realize the inmoral actions towards blacks that took place in the country. Connor's actions resulted in more followers to the Civil Rights movement.
  • Medgar Evers Assassination

    Medgar Evers Assassination
    Civil RightsMississippi had been the most dangerous place for a civil rights activist to take action but brave Medgar Evers loved his home state and had no intention in leaving. He was NAACP field secretary in that state and after receiving numerous death threats, he was assassinated upon getting out of his car right outside his home after a long day at work.
  • March On Washington

    March On Washington
    Civil RightsOne of the most important speeches in the United States' history took place in the March On Washington. About 200,000 people joined forces and took part in the March on Washington. The thousands of walkers all congregated at the Lincoln Memorial, where Martin Luther King shared his most famous speech, "I Have a Dream". This march signified the the nation's progress towards complete equality between the races.
  • Sixteenth Street Baptist Church

    Sixteenth Street Baptist Church
    Civil RightsOn a what seemed like a normal Sunday morning, four young girls were attending their regular Sunday school when a bomb exploded right before their eyes. The explosion took place in the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church which was a regular location for the city's civil rights gatherings. All four girls were lost to the explosion and their deaths did nothing but anger the non-violent protestors even more.
  • Lyndon B. Johnson

    Lyndon B. Johnson
    The White HouseLyndon B. Johnson was swron in on the same day President Kennedy was assassinated. Johnson was known for having a very strong personality and a man who enjoyed imposing his authorative power on other people as a way to intimidate them. President Johnson was faced with two great issues the nation faced in the 1960's which included the Civil Rights Movement and the neverending Vietnam.
  • Freedom Summer

    Freedom Summer
    Civil RightsIn this historic summer, the Council of Federated Organizations launched a tremendous effort to register African American voters.These organizations were made up of a network of civil rights groups that included CORE and SNCC.The efforts were done with great risk as the volunteers' lives were in danger. Some of the volunteers weren't so lucky like James E. Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner, who were tortured and killed while registrating voters in Mississppi.
  • The Civil Rights Act

    The Civil Rights Act
    The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Employment Opportunity CommissionThe Civil Rights Act of 1964The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited the discrimination of individuals on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. This bill was developed by Preseident Kennedy but after his assasination, President Johnson made sure to execute was Kennedy had started. This act would significatly changed the lives of millions of African Americans and ended the use of the "Jim Crow" laws. This document set the way for future anti-discrimination legislation in the United States.
  • Gulf of Tonkin

    Gulf of Tonkin
    Vietnam WarOn this day, the attack on US destroyers by Vietnamese forces was reported. As a result, President Johnson ordered air strikes on the North. On August 7, the US Congress authorized Johnson to take all necessary measures in order to win the war. This was known as the Gulf Of Tonkin Resolution.
  • The Great Society

    The Great Society
    Elections of 1924-1964Lyndon B. JohnsonPresident Johnson's "Great Society" called for great aid to education, attack on disease, Medicare, conservation, development of depressed regions,removal of obstacles to the right to vote and many more improvements to the nation. His main goal was to win against poverty and he managed to propose for 2 billion dollars from congress. Overall, President Johnson wanted to improve the nation's econimic and welfare programs in order to transform America.
  • Operation Masher

    Operation Masher
    Vietnam ProjectThis operation was the largest search and destroy mission the the United States had witnessed.This search and destroy mission was done in order to drive enemies out of the Binh Dinh Province and most importantly to destroy supply areas. The operation took place for 42 days and was renamed to the American public in order to get approval from them.This showed the way the American people viewed the war.They seemed to care more about an image than for the thousands of American lives that were lost.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    Tet OffensiveNorth Vietnam and the Viet Cong troops decided to perform a surprise attack tens of South Vietnam cities and small towns. This attack broke the ceasefire that had been taking place in honor of the lunar new year known as Tet. At the end, North Vietnam failed to gain any land in the South but the Americans and the South Vietnamese were met with a great force that they had underestimated. It took months for the southern forces to regain all of their original land holdings.
  • The Battle of the Hue

    The Battle of the Hue
    Battle of HueThe North Vietnamese's goal in this attack was to liberate Citadel. The liberation of this key city was part of a plan to put key communist leaders into power but nothing happened as planned. The people of Hué failed to aid the Communists. The Southern forces were victorious but at the end the communist force took the win as the Americans felt the pressure to go back home and put in end to the war.
  • Martin Luther King's Assassination

    Martin Luther King's Assassination
    The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.MLK had been the founder of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and had successfully led the civil rights movement. He had used all his strengths to achieve equality for the races.His powerful words and achievements never died when he was assassinated in Memphis, Tennesse.His tragic passing resulted in an angered upheavel among the restless protestors who felt like they had waited enough for change to take place.
  • Richard M. NIxon

    Richard M. NIxon
    The Richard Nixon Foundation
    When President Nixon was sworn into office, the lives of 540,000 Americans in the Vietnam war were put in his hands. It was up to him to find a solution to the war and he was faced with a nation that was half for and the other half was against the war. Nixon's presidency ended on a bad note as he decided to resign before he was to become impeached.
  • Operation Breakfast

    Operation Breakfast
    Caught in the CrossfireAmerican forces began to perform bombings over Cambodian soil. This operation was the first attack of a four-year bombing on Cambodia the surely drew in the country into the Vietnam War. The bombings were kept secret from congress in their first stages and hundreds of thousands of innocent civilian lives were lost from the attacks.
  • The Watergate Scandal

    The Watergate Scandal
    Watergate InfoFive men were arrested for trying to bug the offices of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate building on June 17.Two reporters from the Washington Post took on the case and made great connections to the Nixon reelection campaign.Nixon denied all accusations of faul play and refused to provide recordings of his personal conversations that all took place in his office. Edited versions of the tapes were finally revealed.Impeachement threatened NIxon and as a result he resigned.
  • Vietnam War Ends

    Vietnam War Ends
    Richard Nixon FoundationIn the 1973, the long awaited peace terms for the neverending Vietnam War finally came about. The Paris Peace Accords ended all direct US military involvement in Vietnam. The Peace documents also set the long way for the freedom of US prisoners of war. America also pledged to continue its military and economic assistance in South Vietnam and threatened to use air power if the communists violated the terms of the treaties.
  • Gerald R. Ford

    Gerald R. Ford
    Gerald R. FordPresident Ford was the first president to be unelected and take office. After president Nixon resigned, Ford was immediately put in office. He was left with numerous conflicts that the country was facing at the time including the infamous Watergate Scandal. Ford surprised the nation by pardoning NIxon for his actions which later one came to haunt him in the 1976 presidential elections.
  • Amnesty for Vietnam Draft Dodgers

    Amnesty for Vietnam Draft Dodgers
    Conditional Amnesty for Vietnam Draft DodgersPresident Ford issued a proclamation that granted amnesty to the thousands of men who evaded the draft during the Vietnam War years. The amnesty also falled upon those who were in the military and decided to ignore their duty while in service. But the amnesty came with fair conditions including the reaffirmation of their allegiance to the nation and the mandatory serving in public service jobs for two years.
  • my daddy's bday

    my daddy's bday
    sorry im just really excited because my dad's birthday is right arounf the corner and it happened to fit into the time span.
  • Helsinki Accords

    Helsinki Accords
    Helsinki AccordsThis significant document was the way to reduce the Cold War tensions.This document also kept the Soviet Union from spreading its communist ideals throughout the world any further. The Accords were proven a success and they represented the great triumph of the world's nations to maintain non-aggressive diplomacy.