
Ancient Rome- Janiya Vazquez

  • 753 BCE

    The Beginning of Rome

    The Beginning of Rome
    Rome was found by two Latin twin brothers. Their mom was a Latin women and the god Mars. Remus and Romulus. Romulus was the first King of Rome.
  • 509 BCE

    The Start of the Roman Republic

    The Start of the Roman Republic
    A republic: from the Latin res publica, which means belongs to the people. This is where the people chose the officials. The laws were made up by the Senate which was made up of 300 Patricians. 2 Consuls men who served for 2 years and the Plebeians chose them. You also had an Assembly which was made up of Plebeians. They get to vote on laws made up by the Senate.
  • 270 BCE

    Rome Conquered the entire Peninsula

    Rome Conquered the entire Peninsula
    The Roman soldiers were made up of paid citizen. There were around 5,000 men. They were good soldiers because they had loyalty and respect for Rome.
  • 264 BCE

    The Punic Wars

    The Punic Wars
    There were three Punic wars against the Carthage. They ruled Western of the Mediterranean, Spain, and North Africa. Rome knows they could defeat the Carthage navy. So they copied their boats. And form 260 BC to 241 BC the Romans won key naval victories.
  • 264 BCE

    First Punic War

    First Punic War
    Rome won the first Punic. They won Sicily, and North America
  • 260 BCE

    The Second Punic War

    The Second Punic War
    Hannibal the son of Hamilcar went to war with Rome for 15 years and never captured Rome. Rome forced him to leave to defend Carthage himself.
  • 149 BCE

    Third Punic War

    Third Punic War
    Cartage was destroyed and the pure salt on the land so nothing could ever grow back.
  • 58 BCE

    Julius Caesar

    Julius Caesar
    Caesar was a great military leader and was feared by other generals after his success. The Senate ordered Caesar to disband his army but he didn't. He then led them across the Rubicon River and marched on Rome. To cross the Rubicon means to reach a point of no return. This is when Caesar conquered Rome.
  • 44 BCE

    The growth of Rome

    The growth of Rome
    The Romans grew in power. Weathly generals, traders, and officials gained power in Rome. They started to become rich and started to buy farms form the Plebians. They didn't really care for Rome anymore, just for money. Also, this was the time where the Senate stabbed Julius Ceaser to death.
  • 14

    Octavian aka Augustus

    Octavian aka Augustus
    Octavian was the nephew of Julius Caeser. He ruled after Julius friend Antony. He ended 100 years of civil war in Rome. He ended the republic but creating a stable government for Rome.
  • 16

    Revolt against Rome

    Revolt against Rome
    Many believed that God would send a messiah, an anointed king, who would lead them to freedom from Rome. It turned into an Open-Rebellion against Rome. But 4 years after that Rome defeated the uprising the burned the Jewish temple in the temple.
  • 287


    Emperor Diocletian set out to restore order in the empire. He had co-emperor his friend Maximian. Max ruled in the wast and Diocletian ruled the east which is the wealthy side.
  • 312

    The Dream

    The Dream
    The emperor at the time was getting ready for a war. One night someone came in his dream and told him that he was going to win the war. He won the war and he believes Jesus helped him.
  • 312


    Constantine took the throne and changed the future of Rome. The Edict of Milan granting religious toleration to Christians. Christianity would later be the religion of Rome. He made Byzantium his capital, renaming it Constantinople. This “New Rome” shifted the center of power to the eastern empire.
  • 410

    The Fall of Rome

    The Fall of Rome
    The military was one of the things that caused Rome to fall. Their army was made of paid people, it was weak, and they didn't care. The economic was another reason the Romans fell. They kept highering the taxes and there population fell. Also political, they had corrupted officials, their empire was split in half and an oppressive government. And their social, they didn't have Christianity now they think Christianity it the cause of the fall of Rome.