
American Revoltuion

  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The French and Indian War resulted in the Colonists being united, but being seen as inferior by the British, and mounting debt in the British Empire
  • Period: to

    The Road to Revolution

  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    Parliment prohibitted the Americans from going west of the Appalachians and decided the Colonists should pay for the war. This really upset the colonists and set off a chain reaction.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was a tax on anything that had paper, this tax enraged colonial leaders like Patrick Henry. This act caused retaliation from colonial groups like the Sons of Liberty
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    This act allowed governors to house troops in barracks and public buildings. As well as places where alcoholic beverages are made and even barns and stables. Colonists were required to pay the upkeep of the soldiers. To Colonists this was an outrage.
  • Declaratory Act

    Declaratory Act
    The act gave England sovereignty over colonial in all affairs. This was done in response to resistance to the Stamp act, which was repealed. The act remained standard policy in other colonies even after the revolution
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The British army was involved in a confrontation with the Colonials. It happened in the middle of the night, when stones and snow were being tossed at the soldiers. The soldiers fired back killing five colonials, the first being Crispus Attucks, considered the first to die in the Revolution
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    The act was not intended to raise revenue in the American colonies, and in fact imposed no new taxes. It was designed to prop up the East India Company which was floundering financially and burdened with eighteen million pounds of unsold tea. The tea was to be shipped directly to the colonies, and sold at a bargain price. The Townshend Duties were still in place, however, and the radical leaders in America found reason to believe that this act was a maneuver to buy popular support for the taxes.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was a protest against the Tea Act led by the Sons of Liberty. The protestors dressed as Mohawk Indians went aboard an East India Company ship and tossed all the tea overboard. The reason the colonists resorted to this was because Governor Hutchingson refused to send the tea back to London.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    The Intolerable acts were a crackdown on rebels in Boston. The acts closed the port, reformed the government, doesn’t make British officials face American courts, and limits town meetings. This ultimately fails because the continental congress is formed in response to this.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Battle of Lexington and Concord
    The battle happened because British soldiers were going to cease colonial weapons along with arresting Sam Adams and John Hanncock. Colonials stood in the road to stop them, this led to an altercation. The first shot was later be known as the shot heard around the world.