American History B

By ad.n14

    Extreme Leaders
  • Central Powers

    Central Powers
    8 alliances made during the war:
    Germany, Austria-hungary
    Austria-Hungary, Serbia
    Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy
  • What "sparked" WW1

    What "sparked" WW1
    The assassination of Franz Ferdinand.
    Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia.
    Germany declared war on Russia and France.
  • New Technology Used During WW1

    New Technology Used During WW1
    They used the Machine Gun, Tank, Gas warfare, and Heavy Artillery.
  • Aliances

    Triple Entente ( Britain, France, Russia)
    Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy)
  • Trench Warfare

    Trench Warfare
    Artillery, front lines, wire, machine gun nests, underground bunkers
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Killed by Gavrilo Princip, Serbian citizens
  • Neutrality

    U.S declared Neutrality at the start of the war
  • Family Life in the Great Depression

    Family Life in the Great Depression
    Men suffered because they saw themselves failures because they couldn't come to support their families. Women had to find ways to compensate for the man's loss of income. Children suffered from malnutrition, but also being forced to leave childhood early.
  • Some Causes of The Great Depression

    Some Causes of The Great Depression
    People were relying too much on the buy now pay later system. Failing farms, prices went down. The U.S passed the Hawley-Smoot Tariff which stopped the flow of foreign goods into the U.S.
  • Herbert Hoover

    Herbert Hoover
    Was a president during the Great Depression. He was often blamed for the Depression. People named things after him like blankets and towns.
  • Business Cycle

    Business Cycle
    Recession- slow down
    Depression- Break down
    Recovery- Active growth
    Prosperity- Extended period of growth
  • Battle of the Somme

    Battle of the Somme
    British offensive on the Germans, July 1916
  • Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

    Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
    Germany sunk neutral and passenger ships without warning or reason
  • Steps of the Bolsheviks

    Steps of the Bolsheviks
    The leader of the communist party wanted Lenin as an Ally, signed a separate treaty with Germany
  • 19th amendment

    19th amendment
    Granted sufferage to women. They first voted in Wyoming.
  • Prohibition

    Created a law against the sale, distribution, and making of alcohol in the U.S.
  • Flappers

    Flappers were a generation of young Western women in the 1920s who wore short skirts, bobbed their hair, listened to jazz, and flaunted their disdain for what was then considered acceptable behavior.
  • Bootleggers

    They hid the bottles in their boots; began to be called Bootleggers. The original bootlegger was someone who sold illicit liquor. When someone bootlegged, he sold alcohol illegally.Or smuggled it for a profit.
  • Sacco and Vanzetti

    Sacco and Vanzetti
    Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were Italian-born American anarchists who were controversially convicted of murdering a guard and a paymaster during the April 15, 1920 armed robbery of the Slater and Morrill Shoe Company in Braintree, Massachusetts, United States.
  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    A time period when Americans greatly feared communism. fear by a society or state about a potential rise of communism, anarchism, or radical leftism.
  • Immigration

    Immigrants coming into the U.S. from other states.
  • Quota

    A maximum number or quantity that is permitted or needed,
  • Japan

    Relations with this country had a lot of tension. The U.S. had strict immigration policies in relation to this country began to build up its military.

    Nation Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
  • Jazz

    Popular music that originated among black people in New Orleans in the late 1800s and is characterized by syncopated rhythms and improvisation. Musicians were Louis Armstrong, Due Ellington, Count-Bassie.
  • Black List

    Black List
    A list of people or groups who are under suspicion or excluded from something.
  • Phillipians

    A territory of the US during 1920s. lots of of immigrants to the US.
  • Communism

    Afrom of government originally started to make people economic lives more equal.
  • National Origins Act

    National Origins Act
    A law that severely restricted immigration by establishing a system of national quotas that blatantly discriminated against immigrants from southern and eastern Europe and virtually excluded Asians.
  • 18th ammendment

    outlaws alchol
  • Warren G Harding

    Warren G Harding
    Voted president in the 1922 election He was a Republican.
  • Tariffs

    Fordney-McCumber and the Hawley-Smoot tariffs stood as barriers to trade with Europe
  • Calvin Coolidge

    Calvin Coolidge
    Became president of the U.S after Harding died. He was a Republican.
  • Tea Pot Dome Scandal

    Tea Pot Dome Scandal
    The oil field was loaned to private oil companies. Scandal erupted.
  • Woodrow Wilson

    Woodrow Wilson
    Sick during the 1920s due to a stroke, then died in 1924. He was a Democratic.
  • Indian Citzenship Act

    Indian Citzenship Act
    The act that made Indians citizens.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    Share prices on the New York Stock Exchange completely collapsed, becoming a pivotal factor in the emergence of the Great Depression.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    Stockbrokers continually wanted to sell their stocks, few wanted to by them. Then stock prices fell rapidly.
  • 4 long term causes of the Great Depression

    4 long term causes of the Great Depression
    Industry- Certain industries weren't making a profit.
    Stock Market- People were buying on margins and down payment.
    Agriculture- Farmer suffered.
    Uneven Wealth Distribution- The rich get richer and the poorer get poorer.
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    It was because of the drought. It was big clouds of dust storms in southern states.
  • Amelia Earhart

    First women to fly across the Atlantic.
  • Bonus Army

    Bonus Army
    The Bonus Army was mostly veterans who marched in protest for a cash payment from the war in Washington D.C.
  • R's for Roosevelts New Deal

    R's for Roosevelts New Deal
    Relief- To temporary help the suffering and unemployed Americans.
    Recovery- To recover from the Great Depression and have jobs again.
    Reform- To reform the union and make it good again.
  • Kristllnacht

    Night of broken glass.
    30,000 Jews rounded up and taken to concentration camps.
    Homes, businesses, and synagogues destroyed.
  • Start of WW2

    Start of WW2
    Hitler invades Poland.
    Called his empire the Third Reich.
    Kept putting in the effort to unite all people of German blood or Aryans under "The Master Race".
  • Adolf Hitler Goals

    Adolf Hitler Goals
    Rebuild Germany.
    To unite all people of German ancestry.
    Rebuild the army.
  • Benito Mussolini Goals

    Benito Mussolini Goals
    Wanted to rebuild the ancient Holy Roman Empire.
    Wanted to control lands around the Mediterranean Sea.
  • European Theater

    European Theater
    Name given to the fighting that took place in Europe.
    1942=Britain stood alone against Axis,
    Gen. Dwight Eisenhower was the supreme allied commander of the theater.
    Allies first invaded through Sicily and up into Italy.
    Mussolini was overthrown and killed.
  • Eastern Front

    Eastern Front
    The Nazis were fighting Russians in Stalingrad.
    Nazis are defeated; turning point of the war for the Allies.
  • Western Front (D-Day)

    Western Front (D-Day)
    General Eisenhower planned D-day for June 6th, 1944.
    Allied invasion across the English Channel into Normandy, France.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    Hitler's last major offensive.
    Allies pushed from the West ( from France), South through Italy, and from the East (Soviets).
    Germany was surrounded,
  • Germany Surrender

    Germany Surrender
    Hitler committed suicide before he could be captured,
    Germany surrendered on May 7th, 1945. This day is known as VE Day.
    Allies now had to figure out how to defeat Japan.
  • Arms Race

    Arms Race
    Each side built huge nuclear arsenals.
    Goal: Maintain the "balance of power" or if possible, gain the advantage.
  • Part of the 5 W's

    Part of the 5 W's
    Fought wherever communism threatened globally.
    The U.S. and the soviet union. ( never directly fought each other)
  • Demilitarized Zone

    Demilitarized Zone
    A region between countries in which no military activity is permitted.
  • Militarization

    A society organized around preparing for military conflict.
  • Stalemate

    A military situation in which neither side can gain an advantage.
  • Containment

    America's policy of stopping communism, from spreading,
  • Truman Doctrine

    A policy that America would provide economic and military aid to any nation fighting communism.
    Aid aimed at saving Greece and Turkey.
  • Communist

    System of government in which a single party controls a state-owned economy.
  • 38th parallel

    Divides North and South Korea.
  • United Nations

    International peace-keeping organization after ww2.
  • Fidel Castro

    Communist dictator of Cuba.
  • Marshall Plan

    Aid will rebuild Western Europe
  • Nikita Kroushchev

    New Soviet premier
  • Ronald Regan

    Strategic defensive initiative. (star wars)
  • John F. Kennedy

    Bay of Pigs invasion
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower

    Korean conflict ends in a stalemate at the 38th parallel
  • George Bush Sr.

    Soviet Union collapses.
  • Harry Truman

    2nd Red Scare
  • Capitalism

    An economic system based on private property, including private ownership of the means production, and the profit motive.
  • Richard Nixon

    NASSA achieves moon landing
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    Launching the satellite Sputnik. (Soviet Union)
    The U.S. won the race to the moon.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    Jews could no longer vote.
    Marriage between Jews and Germans were forbidden.
    Jews were excluded from public office, practicing law, medicine, teaching.
    They had curfews and had to wear yellow stars for public ID.
    It allowed open and legal terrorism against Jews.