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Apush Period 7 - pt 3

  • Education Growth for African Americans

    Education Growth for African Americans
    Advocate for black education, W.E.B. Du Bois began his teaching career with founding of the NAACP
  • United Negro Improvement Association

    United Negro Improvement Association
    Lead by Jamaican, Marcus Garvey, this group advocated racial pride for blacks and developed political ideas of black nationalism.
  • Prohibition Begins

    Prohibition Begins
    The 18th Amendment prohibited the sale and manufacturing of alcoholic beverages
  • Harlem Renaissance

    Harlem Renaissance
    An artistic revolution that consisted of African Americans in the New York neighborhood of Harlem.
  • Election of 1920

    Election of 1920
    Republican Warren G. Harding won against Democrat James Cox
  • Automobiles

    By the end of 1920s, most households had a car, this caused traffic and car accidents.
  • Revivalists

    Religious revivalists utilized the radio to preach religious views.
  • Assembly Line

    Assembly Line
    Once Henry Ford adopted the idea of the assembly line, other companies copied and became more efficient.
  • Appliances

    Inventions like the washing machines, refrigerators, and vacuums revolutionized the average American life
  • Hollywood

    The rise of the iconic entertainment industry
  • Jazz

    Brought north by African Americans, this genre of music and performance became very popular.
  • Postwar Recession

    Postwar Recession
    After WWI, an economic recession occurred.
  • Quota Law of 1921

    Quota Law of 1921
    Limited immigration to 3% of the number of foreign born people.
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    Teapot Dome Scandal
    Secretary of Interior, Falls, accepted bribes for granting oil leases.
  • Modernists v. Fundamentalists

    Modernists v. Fundamentalists
    As science was rising, modernists didn't believe everything of the Bible, this led to debates.
  • Post Recession Era

    Post Recession Era
    After the recession, businesses flourished and the unemployment rate fell below 4%.
  • Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act

    Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act
    Raised tariff rates on foreign goods extensively.
  • Louis Armstrong

    Louis Armstrong
    Once joining the Creole Jazz Band, more people were aware of Armstrong's musical talent.
  • VP Calvin Coolidge arises.

    VP Calvin Coolidge arises.
    After the death of President Harding, Coolidge took the presidential spot.
  • Election of 1924

    Election of 1924
    Republicans nominated Coolidge and the democrats nominated John W. Davis, Coolidge won
  • Functionalism

    This idea of architecture based around form following function,
  • Quota Law of 1924

    Quota Law of 1924
    Limited immigration to 2%, it was passed to ensure discrimination against southern and eastern Europe.
  • The Great Gatsby

    The Great Gatsby
    Written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, this book shows the glamours of the wealth of society during this time.
  • The Cantos

    The Cantos
    One of the many famous poems Ezra Pound wrote
  • Arrowsmith

    A Pulitzer Prize receiving novel written by Sinclair Lewis.
  • Radio

    The radio became apart of home entertainment, once signaling systems were made like CBS and NBC.
  • Charles Lindbergh's Flight

    Charles Lindbergh's Flight
    Known for his flight across the Atlantic Ocean
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    Millions of investors sold stocks, practically no buyers.
  • Black Thursday(stock market crash)

    Black Thursday(stock market crash)
    High volume of stock selling which greatly dropped the price of it.
  • A Farewell to Arms

    A Farewell to Arms
    Written by Ernest Hemingway, this novel takes place during the Italian campaign for WWI.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    The stock market plummeted because of a high volume of selling stocks due to speculation.
  • Farm Board

    Farm Board
    Authorized to help farms stabilize prices by temporarily holding surplus grain and cotton in storage.
  • Hawley-Smoot Tariff

    Hawley-Smoot Tariff
    The highest tariff in history (49%) which was enacted to protect U.S. business leaders.
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    Ruined crops of the Great Plains and made farmers migrate to seek work.
  • Emergency Banking Relief Act

    Emergency Banking Relief Act
    Ordered banks a holiday so they could stabilize. Was a New Deal program
  • Prohibition Ends

    Prohibition Ends
    The 21st amendment ended prohibition
  • Agricultural Adjustment Act

    Agricultural Adjustment Act
    A United States federal law of the New Deal era designed to boost agricultural prices by reducing surpluses.
  • Home Owners Loan Corporation

    Home Owners Loan Corporation
    This was organized so it could refinance small homes to prevent foreclosure.
  • National Recovery Administration

    National Recovery Administration
    An attempt to guarantee reasonable profits for businesses and fair wages and hours for labor.
  • Federal Emergency Relief Administration

    Federal Emergency Relief Administration
    New Deal program: Helped states to provide aid for the unemployed
  • Farm Credit Association

    Farm Credit Association
    Provided low interest rate farm loans and mortgages to prevent foreclosures.
  • Civil Works Administration

    Civil Works Administration
    Hired employees for federal sponsored roles in manual labor.
  • FDIC

    Guaranteed individuals insurance of deposits up to $5,000.
  • Tennessee Valley Authority

    Tennessee Valley Authority
    A government corporation that build dams, operated electric power plants, and controls flooding
  • Civilian Construction Corps

    Civilian Construction Corps
    Employed men on federal land projects.
  • Public Work Administration

    Public Work Administration
    Gave federal money to state and local governments for building roads, bridges, and dams.
  • Security and Exchange Commission

    Security and Exchange Commission
    Purpose to regulate stock market and place limits on speculative practices.
  • Wagner Act

    Wagner Act
    New Deal: Guaranteed workers the right to join a union and for that union to bargain collectively.
  • The Grapes of Wrath

    The Grapes of Wrath
    Written by John Steinbeck, this book shows the hardships of the Dust Bowl and showed how thousands of workers went westward to seek jobs.
  • Duke Ellington

    Duke Ellington
    "Take the A Train" is his most famous piece, popularized jazz music among the black community