Rey alfonso xiii de españa, by kaulak

Alfonso XIII

  • Alfonso XIII was born

    Alfonso XIII was born
    Alfonso XIII was born the 17 of May in 1886, in The Real Palace of Madrid, Spain.
    He was of the Bourbon family, and his parents were Alfonso XII of Spain, and Maria Cristina of Habsburg-Lorena.
  • Recognized as The King

    Recognized as The King
    Alfonso XII died half a year before his son was born, and due to this the government was in crisis. That's why, the day in which his son, Alfonso XIII was born, he was just declared king. But during his childhood, and adolescence he couldn't reign, so during this time, the Regent was his mother, Maria Cristina.
  • Period: to

    Time of his Rule

    Alfonso XIII has been the only case in history in which you were recognized as king just before been born. He was an special case.
    His rule started the day he come to the world, and ended in 1931, at the age of 44.
  • He assumed the Reign

    He assumed the Reign
    Finally, at the age of 17 he assumed the rule he had been waiting for since he was born. Now, he was big enough to rule the country by his own, without any regent.
  • Marriage

    The last day of May in 1906 was the day in which Alfonso XIII got married with Victoria Eugenia de Battenberg, at the Saint Jerome Basilic in Madrid.This marriage started in 1906, and ended in the day of his life.
    Virginia and Alfonso XIII, had 6 childs:
    Alfonso prince of Asturias (1907), Jaime (1908), Beatriz (1910), Cristina (1911), Juan (1913) and Gonzalo (1914).
  • Assassination attempt while the wedding procession took place.

    Assassination attempt while the wedding procession took place.
    This day, the day of his wedding was also marked by an assassination attempt. It was made by an anarchist, a catalan one, called Mateu Morral. What he did was, to install a bomb in some flowers were threw out from a window. After that, the King and the Queen didn't get hurt, but killed 30 members of the procession, and left many people hurt.
  • Also known as ''The African''

    Also known as ''The African''
    One of the problems he faced as monarch was the war against Morocco. He was very involved in this conflict, to a point that he went to Melilla in 1911. When he returned back to Spain, the president of the Senate, Eugenio Montero Ríos, renamed him as ''The African''
  • The Annual Disaster

    The Annual Disaster
    The military force in Melilla during the Rif War was devastated. All was going even worse than it was planned to.
    After that, the society was unhappy with all the things that were happening, the political system, and what they were doing for the Restoration. All this was criticised by the society since the general strike in 1917, and due to this, it was terribly worse.
  • The Better for his country

    The Better for his country
    As Alfonso wanted the best things for his country, a time in 1930 made him took out of the Power to Primo de Rivera. Everyone was unhappy with the things he was doing, and since 1929, when some exhibitions(Universal Exposition of Barcelona, Iberoamerican in Seville) were made, the opponents were increasing by day.
  • Renouncement to the Real House.

    Renouncement to the Real House.
    On January of the 41, Alfonso renounced to the Real House in favour of his son Juan, his youngest child
  • Alfonso XIII died.

    Alfonso XIII died.
    He died the 28th of February in 1941 at the age of 54. He died due to an angina pectoris in the Great Hotel in Rome.