Spain Holidays

  • La Feria de Abril

    The Seville Spring Fair, La Feria de abril de Sevilla, is held in the Andalusian capital of Seville, Spain. The fair generally begins two weeks after the Semana Santa, or Easter Holy Week. you will find crowds partying and dancing "Sevillanas", drinking Jerez sherry, or manzanilla wine, and eating tapas. The first fair was held at the Prado de San Sebastian, on the outskirts of Spain.
  • Castellers de Vilafrnca

    (no specific date founded) Castellers de Vilafrnca-Found in year of 1948, no specific date and is a cultural and sporting association whose main objective is to build castells (human towers). A Catalan tradition that has evolved since the 18th Century Ball de Valencians, a dance from Valencia. 400 activists participate in this event.
  • Moros y Cristianos

    Is a festival that acts out a part of Spanish history demonstrating battles between the Arabs(creators of the Arabic language) and the Christians(believe in Jesus) that took place in the region centuries ago. One of the best places to see this fiesta is Alcoy, in Alicante, where the celebrations take place between the 22 and the 24 of April.