• kennedy elected

    kennedy beats nixon in presidential race
  • peace corps

    peace corps
    JFK announces peace corps to aide countries in poverty
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    us organizes cuban exile invasion of cuba
  • limited nuclear ban treaty

    limited nuclear ban treaty
    treaty between US UK and USSR
  • john glen orbits earth

    john glen orbits earth
    glen becomes the first man to orbit earth
  • cuban missile crisis

    cuban missile crisis
    world brought to brink of nuclear war in cuba, us calls russian bluff
  • march on washington

    march on washington
    SCLC and other groups organize march to aide blacks, sight of i have a dream speach
  • Kennedy assassination

    Kennedy assassination
    jfk killed by lee harvey oswald in dallas
  • war on poverty

    war on poverty
    johnson announces war on poverty
  • civil right act of 1964

    civil right act of 1964
    broad act ends segregation legally and also helps women
  • Gulf of tonkin

    Gulf of tonkin
    resolution passed to give johnson power to escalate war
  • Johnson reelection

    Johnson reelection
    johnson wins in a landslide over Goldwater
  • more troops sent to vietnam

    more troops sent to vietnam
    50,000 aditional troops sent in with gulf of tinkin resolution
  • medicare, medicaid

    medicare, medicaid
    congress aproves johnson's medicare and medicaid
  • detroit riots

    detroit riots
    riots in detroit kill 43, injure 2000 and leave 5000 homeless
  • tet offensive

    tet  offensive
    north vietnamese lauch ofensive that caught us off guard
  • Johnson withdraws

    Johnson withdraws
    johnson announces he will not rerun
  • MLK assassination

    MLK killed in memphis by james earl ray
  • Bobby kennedy assassination

    Bobby kennedy assassination
    bobby kennedy killed by sirhan sirhan
  • nixon elected

    nixon elected
    nixon beats humphrey due to divisions in democrats