Frankenstein creature (1)

Timeline: favorite Frankenstein films.

  • Frankenstein

    The first movie adaptation of Frankenstein was just 14 minutes long, produced by Edison Manufacturing Company. Owned by Thomas Edison, the company both produced batteries, and created Kinetoscope films.
  • Life Without Soul

    Life Without Soul
    The second film adaptation of Frankenstein, & the first and only silent full-length one. An early, if not the earliest, instance of the "it was just a dream" plot twist.
  • Frankenstein

    Arguably the most famous of the Frankenstein adaptations. Arguably the most iconic mad scientist scene ever committed to film. ("It's alive!! It's alive!!)
  • Bride of Frankenstein

    Bride of Frankenstein
    Will Dr. Frankenstein be able to provide a body for the Bride? Will Dr. Praetoris finally get his hands on a brain? Will Lady Frankenstein be cool?
  • Son of Frankenstein

    Son of Frankenstein
    Dr. Wolf von Frankenstein returns to his ancestral home with his wife, Elsa. To his surprise, the creature his father had created was still alive.
  • Frankenstein Created Woman

    Frankenstein Created Woman
    Gender-bending Frankenstein, wherein Frankenstein transplants the brain of a man he knows into his girlfriend. And it works.
  • Andy Warhol's Frankenstein

    Andy Warhol's Frankenstein
    Lust, gore and 3-D. Monks, henchman, and stable boys. A baron plans to create beautiful zombies out of freshly killed spare parts. Shot in Italy.
  • Frankenhooker

    A med student attempts to rebuild a body for his girlfriend, who'd been decapitated in a freak accident. WILL HE SUCCEED?
  • Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

    Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
    One of the rare instances in which whoever wrote the character of Frankenstein's creature did so with the original text in mind.
  • I, Frankenstein

    I, Frankenstein
    The Gargoyle Queen joins Frankenstein's monster, renamed Adam, in his battle against demons from across the globe,