Ze French Revolucion

  • hobbes leviathan

    hobbes wrote this epic tale of some shit
  • lord of the rings: the 2 treaties

    anonomus publication written by john locke which criticized the government.
  • French and indian war ends

    war ends which leaves france in a financial predicament
  • Period: to

    Reign of Louis XVI

    Louis reigned until he was overthrown in the fench revolution
  • Period: to

    Amurican Revolution

    F*** YEAH
  • Estates General

    The French assembled to attempt to raise taxes on the third estate
  • Tennis court Oath

    the third estate made an agreement after being l;ocked out of the estate meeting.
  • Period: to

    The great fear

    belief spread that poor people were in armed revolt, eventually becoming a self fulfilling prophecy
  • August Decrees

    i do decree...
  • declaration of the rights of man

    composed by the national assembly as part of the french revolution
  • Louis tries to escape

    he done got caught doe
  • Period: to

    legislative assembly

    set up to get stuff done
  • france austria WAR!

    just like the title says bro
  • Louis xvi executed

    his head fell off
  • Committee of public safety

  • jean paul marat killed!

    jean paul marat killed!
  • Robespierre comes to power

  • Robespierre

    he dead mane
  • Period: to

    napoleans reign

    not dynamite