ww2 timeline

By dariab
  • holocaust

    persecution of major minorities on germany and eastern europe
  • night of the long knives

    night of the long knives
    hitler purging germany of its parliamentary leaders that could over throw the nazi party
  • germany invades poland

    germany invades poland
    germany just invaded warsaw
  • germany attacks France

    germany attacks France
    france though germany was gonna attack belgium cuz they did in ww1
  • winston churchill becomes prime minister of britain

    winston churchill becomes prime minister of britain
    took his initial political stance
  • battle of britain

    battle of britain
    royal navy defended UK against attack by nazi germany
  • cold war

    cold war
    political potential following the war
  • lend lease act

    lend lease act
    gave military support to countries vital to americas security
  • german blitzkrieg on soviet union

    german blitzkrieg on soviet union
    germany invaded the soviet union in the largest military opperation of ww2
  • pearl harbor

    pearl harbor
    japanese attack hawaii
  • japanese internment camps

    japanese internment camps
    forced relocation of japanese americans during ww2
  • battle of midway

    battle of midway
    america beat japan in the pacific after pearl harbor this changed the trajectory of the war
  • battle of stalingrad

    battle of stalingrad
    after germany invade they and the soviet union engaged in the largest confrontation of ww2 in fighting over the city of stalingrad russia
  • guadalcanal

    south pacific island know for ww2 significance
  • battle of el alamein

    battle of el alamein
    british empire german-italian faught in egypt
  • tehran conference

    tehran conference
    metting of stalin FDR churchill
  • D day

    D day
    troops stormed normandy
  • macarthurs plan for japan

    macarthurs plan for japan
    the rehabilition of japan with assistance from america post ww2
  • yalta conference

    yalta conference
    decoration of the independence of Europe between Winston Churchill FDR and stalin post ww2
  • operation 25

    operation 25
    stalin tried to invade Yugoslavia and failed so hitler stepped in and went through with it
  • FDR death

    FDR death
    fdr intracerebral hemorrhage caused death
  • mussolini assassination

    mussolini assassination
    executed by italian Parisians
  • hitler dies

    hitler dies
    commits suicide
  • potsdam conference

    potsdam conference
    U.S. U.K. and soviet union meet to fix Germany's borders after the end of the war
  • atomic bomb of hiroshima and nagasaki

    atomic bomb of hiroshima and nagasaki
    american retaliation for japans attack on pearl harbor
  • formation of the united nations

    formation of the united nations
    intermediary of nations in times of war or other conflict
  • nuremburg trials

    nuremburg trials
    meeting of military tribunals to discuss international war law
  • marshall plan effective

    marshall plan effective
    american initiative to help western europe in ww2
  • berlin airlift

    berlin airlift
    a blockade imparted by the soviet union in west germany failed
    first major crisis of the war.
  • The winter war

    The winter war
    stalin leads the USSR invades finland
  • berlin wall

    berlin wall
    separated east and west germany for 20 years
  • cuban missile crisis

    cuban missile crisis
    beef between the U.S. and soviet union that lasted 13 days and involved threatening missile strikes.