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WW2 battles

By Hxb0069
  • Battle of Belgium

    Battle of Belgium
    Importance of the battle: The Belgium army surrendered ending the war with Germans’s winning. This battle is also called the Belgian campaign, and the 18 days campaign.
    Where: Belgium and Luxembourg
    What countries: Belgium, Nazi germany, United Kingdom, Netherlands, French third republic, second polish republic
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Importance of the battle- This war was fought entirely by air forces. It lasted almost 4 1/2 month and in the end British won.

    Where- United Kingdom
    What countries- United Kingdom and Nazi germany
  • Battle of Crete

    Battle of Crete
    Importance of the battle: began morning of may 20th when Nazi germany began invading Crete. Crete had a airbase that helped threat and helped reach many parts of the Mediterranean Sea.
    Where: Crete region, Greece
    What countries: Nazi germany, germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, kingdom of Italy, kingdom of Greece
  • Battle of Russia

    Battle of Russia
    Importance of the battle: the code name was operations Barbarossa for the axis invasion of soviet unions. The Nazi conquered the West Soviet Union to gain more people in Germany.
    Where: central, northeast, and Eastern Europe
    What countries: soviet unborn, Nazi germany, Finland, independent state of Croatia, kingdom of Italy, kingdom of Romania, Slovak republic, kingdom of Hungary
  • Battle of Moscow

    Battle of Moscow
    Importance of the battle: This war lasted almost 2 years and it is considered one of the most important battles in the war. In the end the Soviet Union won the battle with a strategic victory
    Where: Moscow oblast, Russian SFSR, USSR
    What countries: Soviet Union, Nazi germany
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Importance of the battle- Japan surprised attacked a U.S base in Hawaii that killed a lot of U.S men. The next day FDR declared war on Japan which caused germany and Italy to declare war on USA.
    Where- Honolulu, Hawaii (Pearl Harbor)
    What countries: Japan and U.S
  • Battle of Kursk

    Battle of Kursk
    What countries: Soviet Union, Nazi germany, Axis power

    Importance of the battle: the soviet won the battle of Kursk and ended hitlers dream of him concerting Russia. This was the first time Germans strategies were stopped before they could attack their enemy.
    Where: Kursk, Russia
    What countries: Soviet Union, Nazi germany, Axis power

  • Battle of mount casino

    Battle of mount casino
    Importance of the battle- This war was a series of four assaults by the allies forces during the Italian campaign.The intention was a breakthrough to Rome.
    Where- Monte Casino, Italy
    What countries- Poland, US, allies of WW2
  • Battle of Anzio

    Battle of Anzio
    Importance of the battle- The fight was actually supposed to happen in Normandy, instead it happened in Anzio.
    Where- Anzio and Nettuno
    What countries: Germany and Italy
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    Importance of the battle- at the end German army surrendered and Hitler committed suicide which resulted victory to Soviet Union and allies. This also designed the Berlin strategic offensive operation by the soviet-aka fall of Berlin.
    Where: Berlin, Germany
    What countries: Soviet Union, Nazi germany, Poland