
  • invasion of North Africa

    The allies wanted to capture North Africa so they could have an easier time invading Italy. General Dwight D. Eisenhower led the invasion. General Patton commanded the US troops.
  • Battle of Midway

    the japanese attacked Midway, a major US naval base vital to the defense of Hawaii. The US won and it was a major turning point in the pacific.
  • Stalingrad

    Hitler sent troops into russia and penetrated deep. They killed millions of russians but they couldnt capture the Soviet Union. The winter was harsh and many germans died. 91,000 germans surrendured. Stalingrad ruined Hitler's plans to completely capture europe.
  • Invasion of Sicily

    Eisenhower lead the invasion. After the capture of Sicily, the allies had contol over the Mediterranien which led to the invasion of Italy in September.
  • teheran conference

    FDR Churchhill and Stalin all met for the first time face to face in Teheran, Iran. They discussed the invasion of France and taking some pressure off the russians
  • D Day

    The allied invasion of France. The Allies stormed the beaches of Normandy and eventually captured back France. This was the biggest step the allies had to take to take Berlin.
  • Valkryrie

    Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg attempted to assassinate Hitler by planting a bomb in his headquarters. the explosion killed and injured 20 people, but hitler survived.
  • Hitler orders conter attack

    Allied troops were scattered around the English Channel and the Alps. hitler planned to send english speaking germans to spread confusion and then send in tanks to take back communication and transport hubs.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Germans caught allies by surprise and created a bulge in the American line. they captured a few key towns and almost succeded.
  • Hitler dies

    Allied troops made it to Berlin and Hitler was going crazy. He had mad dreams of final victory. Finally he killed himself