Vladimir Lenin

  • Date of birth

    Vladimir Lenin was born in Ulianovsk, Russia. Hs farther Llia Nikolaevich Ulianov who was a high official in the czarist educational bureaucracy. Lenin was given education recieved by most upper class russians.
  • Egypt colonized by Britain

  • Invention Automobile

    Modern day transportation is changed forever.
  • His brother Alexander was executed

    Lenin's older brother Aleander was hung for conspiring to assassinate the emperor.
  • Lenin exiled in Siberia

    Lenin is arrested and put in jail for several monthn until he is sentencedto exile for three years in the Siberian village of Shushenskoe.
  • Lenin moves to Europe

    After Lenins release from Siberia he moved to Europe where he spent most of the next 17 years.
  • Lenin starts to write books

    Lenin expresed his idea in the book "whats to be done?"
  • The first important part congress

    The leaders of Russian Marxism met for the first important party congress. a disagreement over the nature and organization of the party.
  • Invention of the Airplane

  • Russo-Japanese War

  • Russian Revolution of 1905

    Lenin returned to Russia in November when thedefeat of the revolution was certain, and was among the last to give up.
  • World War One

  • Russian Revolution of 1917

    Lenin and a group of like minded revolutionaries traveled to Russia. power literally fell into the hands of the bolsheviks.
  • Lenin becomes the leader of Russia

  • Flu pandemic

  • Lenin Dies

    Lenin died in Gorki, Russia near moscow.