US history timeline the ratification of the constitution (mission 1 CMA

By mhall
  • colonization

    When exploeres came over in search of the new world. The exchange between Europe and North America that resulted from this contact is called the Columbian Exchange in honor of Christopher Columbus. As he was teh one honored for finding the new world for the spanish. In addition to domesticated animals and crops, the Europeans brought with them deadly diseases for which many Native Americans had no immunities. As a result, European diseases soon ravaged the Native Americans.
  • Period: to

    the formation of the untied states!

  • revolutionary war

    revolutionary war
    Due to the distance, England largely stayed out of colonial affairs and allowed colonists self-government. The colonists became used to self-rule, so when England became more involved in colonial affairs, colonists rebelled.The Proclamation of 1763 restricted where the colonists could live, in order to make it easier for Britain to defend its colonies. Also, a Quartering Act was passed that forced colonists to house and feed British soldiers at the expense of colonists.
  • articles of the confederation

    articles of the confederation
    In 1777, the Continental Congress set up the Articles of Confederation. This was a “firm league of friendship” between the states. Not wanting to replace the government of the king with another strong central government, this new government was designed to be weak enough to allow the states to retain most of the power. The articles contained several major flaws that became apparent early on.
    this led to many wild inflation and depression which led to the treaty of paris of 1783
  • ratification of the constituion of the untied states.

    ratification  of the constituion of the untied states.
    the ratification of the constitution
    the ratification was inisiated by men who where federalists James madison , jhon jay, alexander Hamilton.the independent journal Alexander Hamliton wrote ferderalist No.9 - The union as a safegaurd against Domestic faction and insurrection.
  • treaty of paris

    treaty of paris
    This treaty settled the arguemnet to gain our independence from england.
  • testing national power

    testing national power
    In 1794, after the United States signed the Jay Treaty with Britain concerning the evacuation of the British from the Northwest Territory, the French (who were at war with Britain) began seizing American ships. The second president, John Adams, sent diplomats to France to discuss the matter. The three French officials demanded that the Americans pay a bribe before negotiations could begin.
  • westward expansion

    westward expansion
    By the mid-1800s, the concept of Manifest Destiny–the belief that Americans had a divine right to expand their territory gained footing. Americans began to buy into the inevitability of settling both unexplored and already-claimed western frontiers, including the lands that now make up Texas, California, Colorado and Oregon. The California Gold Rush, the construction of railroads and a growing pioneer spirit all contributed to the expansion of the "wild west."
  • Transcendentalism and Romanticism

    Transcendentalism and Romanticism
    by 1825 many writers and painters became part of the romantic movement. it was an age of reason adn empathy, the feelings and emotions of the society. One famous writer was Edgar Allen Poe who wrote "the tell-tale heart" and the "the raven". As well as, moby dick and Nathaniel Hawthorne who wrote "the scarlett letter".
    Transcendentalists believed that people could rise above reason by having faith in themselves. Although they were optimists, they did not ignore problems in society.
  • The Trails of Tears.

     The Trails of Tears.
    Chief Justice Marshall sided with the Cherokees in the supreme court case Wocester V.S Georgia, declaring that Georgia had no authority over the Cherokee territory. to their new home. Georgia, with Jackson’s support, continued with the relocation of the Cherokee to the Indian Territory. In 1838, the US Army removed the Cherokee by force and marched them for 116 days over 1,000 miles. Casualties were high on this “Trail of Tears,” as 25% of the Cherokees died of cold, disease, or exhaustion.
  • florida becomes 27th state

    florida becomes 27th state
    1818 General Andrew Jackson, was ordered to take troops into Florida to stop the Seminole raids. Jackson was successful in destroying several Seminole villages, and following these victories, he decided to set his sights on the Spanish settlements. In which case, the concept of gaining florida as a state they created the Adams-Onis treaty of 1819 where the spanish agreed to hand all of the state to the United States