US foreign policy timeline

By jr63533
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The war of 1812 was a war between the US, some natives, and the UK. It was fought because the UK was supplying native Americans with ammunition. The UK encouraged them to hinder the US which would stop the US from being able to expand its territory. The president during this time was James Madison.
    Reckless Foreign Policy
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    The Monroe Doctrine stated that North and South America were no longer open to colonization. It also declared that the United States would not allow European countries to interfere with independent governments in the Americas. It was created by James Madison. The president during this time was James Monroe
    Growing sense of US Potential
  • Mexican American War

    Mexican American War
    The U.S. sent people to live in Mexico. Those people took that land from Mexico. The US offered to buy the land from Mexico. Mexico denied the offer and declared war against the US. The president during this time was James K. Polk.
  • The Trent Affair

    The Trent Affair
    During the civil war, the southern states asked Great Britain for help to defeat the northern states. The British sent the ship “Trent” to pick up two people from the southern states to negotiate terms. Pres. Lincoln sent a ship to intercept the Trent. They succeeded and brought the men back to Boston and took them to jail. The people of the north wanted war with Britain for helping the south. Pres. Lincoln decided that war with Britain was not necessary. The president was Jefferson Davis.
  • Annexation of Hawaii

    Annexation of Hawaii
    The US had established business in Hawaii and wanted to make that business stronger by making Hawaii a part of the US. The native people of Hawaii were against becoming a part of the US. The US eventually took Hawaii by force making it a territory of the US.
    The issue was over the core values that we used to establish our country.
    The president as William Mckinley
    Redefining core values