Unit 3 Timeline Project

  • Cesar Chavez

    Lyndon B Johnson's presidency
    Domestic Policy
    Cesar Chavez became a national figure through the success of his strike against low wages for latinos. People respected him for his respect of migrant workers and his commitment to nonviolent protest.
  • Hippie Culture

    Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon's presidencies
    society & culture
    The hippie culture in the 1960's sought new experiences. They looked for enlightenment through Eastern religions, experimented with illegal drugs. The expressed freedom though their casual colorful clothes. Many wore flowers in their hair and called themselves flower children.
  • Women's Movement

    President Lyndon B. Johnson
    Domestic Policy
    In the 1960's women began to question why they were still unequal to men. This sparked a revival of the Women's Movement to help get equal rights in work areas and home areas of life.
  • Free Speech Movement

    Lyndon B. Johnson's presidency
    domestic policy, culture & society
    A counterculture movement during the 1960s in which students used the tactics of civil disobedience to protest injustices
  • National Farmworkers Movement

    President Lyndon B. Johnson's presidency
    Domestic policy
    The National Farm Workers Association joined Cesar Chavez's strike against the low wages that Latinos received for their backbreaking labor on the farms.
  • National Organization for Women

    Lyndon B. Johnson 's presidency
    domestic policy
    A group of feminist that formed NOW; an organization that fought gender discrimination in the workplace, schools, and justice system. They pushed for the passing of the Equal Rights Amendment.
  • Summer of Love

    Lyndon B Johnson's presidency
    Society & culture
    The summer of 1967 was the height of the hippie movement, in San Francisco. The generation proclaimed the dawning of a blissful new age.
  • The Brown Berets

    Lyndon B. Johnson's presidency
    domestic policy
    One of the most militant organizations of the Chicano Movement. They began their activism by violently protesting against police in East Los Angeles.
  • American Indian Movement

    Richard Nixon's presidency
    domestic policy
    They wanted to organize a movement for Native American's rights. They fought for fairness and equality for their people. AIM called for renewal of traditional cultures, economic independence, and better education of Indian children.
  • SALT I talks

    Richard Nixon's presidency
    foreign policy
    SALT I were discussions between the United States and the Soviets to slow the ongoing arms race in the late 1960s and early 1970s
  • Apollo 11 -Niel Armstrong

    Richard Nixon's presidency
    domestic policy, Innovation & technology
    A successful liftoff from the Kennedy Space Center, the spacecraft was miles above the moons surface, in its orbit. A separate craft known as the Eagle landed on the moon and Neil Armstrong became the first person to step foot on the moon.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Richard Nixon's presidency
    In order to ensure re-election for his second term Nixon's campaign committee participated in illegal actions like breaking into the Democratic National Committee at Watergate hotel-office complex. This crisis and the question of Nixon's involvement in the action became known as the Watergate Scandal.
  • Equal Rights Amendment

    Richard Nixon's Presidency
    Domestic Policy
    A proposed amendment that promised equal treatment for men and women in all spheres, not just employment. It failed to become a law because it was 3 states short of ratification.
  • Roe v. Wade

    Richard Nixon's presidency
    Domestic Policy, Society and Culture
    This was a court case that banned states from not allowing women to get abortions. They ruled that such laws were unconstitutional because they violated one's right to privacy.
  • Oil Embargo

    Richard Nixon's presidency
    foreign policy
    As a result of American's support for Israel Arab nations imposed an oil embargo in which they refused to supply oil to the U.S.
  • OPEC

    Richard Nixon's presidency
    foreign policy
    The U.S. used to be oil dependent on OPEC or the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries for most of their petroleum needs.
  • Nixon Resigns

    Richard Nixon's presidency
    After court called for Nixon to obey subpoenas and bring the tapes to court Nixon resigned from his position as president. It was clear he had things to hide and knew impeachment was a possibility so he resigned.
  • Camp David Accords

    Jimmy Carter's presidency
    foreign policy
    An agreement between Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin; President Carter mediated the process at Camp David.
  • Iran Hostage Crisis

    Jimmy Carter's presidency
    foreign/ domestic policy
    A mob attacked the American embassy in Tehran and capture several dozen American employees.In the United States people were outraged and Carter's effort to end the crisis was powerless and reflected poorly on him and the confidence of the U.S.
  • SALT II talks

    Gerald Ford's presidency
    foreign policy
    Began after the talks of SALT I. SALT II called for limits on certain kinds of nuclear weapons.
  • Soviets invade Afghanistan

    Jimmy Carter's presidency
    foreign policy
    The Soviets invaded Afghanistan to continue Communist rule in Afghan. This invasion caused anxiety in the U.S.cause it threatened their relationship with the soviets and questioned Carter's ability to respond.
  • Supply-Side Economics

    Ronald Reagan's presidency
    Reaganomics was based on this economic theory that tax cuts and business incentives will increase the supply of labor and goods and stimulate the economy.
  • Strategic Defense Initiative

    Ronald Reagan's presidency
    technology and innovation
    This was president Reagan's proposed defensive space shield that would knock out incoming Soviet missiles. SDI was an offensive weapon.
  • Iran-Contra Affair

    Ronald Reagan's presidency
    foreign policy
    A secret U.S. sales of weapons to Iran on an attempt to secure the release of U.S. hostages held in Lebanon in 1968; part of the money paid went to divert Nicaraguan counterrevolutionaries who were in violation of a law banning such assistance.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev

    Ronald Reagan's presidency
    foreign policy, politics
    Three soviet leaders had died, which brought to power a visionary new leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, who believed the only way to salvage Soviet economy was to strike a deal with America.
  • INF Treaty

    Ronald Reagan's presidency
    Foreign policy
    Reagan was ready to negotiate with Gorbachev. They had four meetings in which they changed the super power's relationship. They made the INF treaty that ordered destruction of a whole class of weapons.
  • Fall of Berlin Wall

    George Bush sr's presidency
    foreign policy
    The East Government in Germany opened the gates of the Berlin Wall hoping to calm protests. Thousands of East Berliners escaped to the freedom of west Berlin.
  • Persian Gulf War

    George Bush Sr.'s presidency
    Foreign policy
    A war between the United Nations, led by the United States, and Iraq that followed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein 's invasion of Kuwait in August 1990. The UN forces, called the Coalition, expelled Iraqi troops from Kuwait.
  • Operation Desert Storm

    George Bush sr.'s presidency
    Foreign policy
    This was a campaign for a conventional (non-nuclear) war. Airpower was the most effective military tool because of the harsh desert terrain and the long distances between targets.
  • Tiananmen Square massacre

    George Bush Sr.'s presidency
    foreign policy
    A large pro-deomcracy protest in China that resulted in the government using military force and killing hundreds of people to end the protest.
  • Soviet Empire collapses -glasnost -perestroika

    George Bush sr's presidency
    foreign policy
    Glasnost refers to a new era of media freedom in the Soviet Union under Mikhail Gorbachev, and Perestroika refers to the reconstructing of the corrupt government bureaucracy in the Soviet. This rose a long repressed sense of nationalism in subject nations in Easter Europe that eventually led to the collapse of the Soviet Empire.