Unification of German States

  • Demand of Political Unity

    Demand of Political Unity
    -liberals demand German political unity at Frankfurt Assembly
    -German throne offered to Frederick William IV of Prussia but he declined
  • Period: to

    Companies and Railroads

    Companies started to get larger
    More mass producing
    Railroads larger and more organized
  • Period: to

    Setting Worldwide Standards

    -Chemical and electrical industries grew-Shipping in Germany was only second in europe
  • Otto von Bismarck is Appointed Chancellor

    Otto von Bismarck is Appointed Chancellor
    -Otto von Bismarck, a Prussian diplomat, is appointed chancellor, or prime minister, of the German states.
    -master of Realpolitik (realistic policies based on the needs of the state)
    -not a German nationalist but believed that German unity could bring more power to Prussia
    -"Laws are like sausages, it is better to not see them being made." -von Bismarck
  • Strengthening of Army

    Strengthening of Army
    -money obtained from purposes other than the government to strengthen army
    -von Bismarck led Prussia through three wars in the next decade, which would help to unify Germany
  • Alliance with Austria

    Alliance with Austria
    -von Bismarck formed alliance with Austria
    -provinces of Schleswig and Holstein seized from Denmark and divided among German states and Austria
    -"When you say that you agree to a thing in principle you mean that you have not the slightest intention of carrying it out in practice."-von Bismarck
  • Austro-Prussian War

    Austro-Prussian War
    -von Bismarck attacked Austria
    -lasted seven weeks
    -Prussian victory
    -Prussia annexed several other north German states
    -All treaties between great states cease to be binding when they come in conflict with the struggle for existence."-von Bismarck
  • Dissolvement of German Confederation

    Dissolvement of German Confederation
    -was Austrian-led
    -new confederation was created and led by Prussia
    -allowed Austria and four other German states to remain independent
    -"We had to avoid leaving behind any desire for revenge."
    -Otto von Bismarck
  • Period: to

    Franco-Prussian War

    The Beginning
    -von Bismarck reminded Germans of their former French ruler, Napoleon I, to ignite German nationalism
    -Napoleon III of France wanted to go to war against Prussia to hopefully solve some problems in France and regain his glory
    -von Bismarck rewrote a telgram to make it look like the German empreor had insulted a French ambassador. France was outraged and entered into war, just as von Bismarck knew they would.
  • Britain Joins Franco-Prussian War

    Britain Joins Franco-Prussian War
    Prussia did not have the support of Britain, a neutral nation, so von Bismarck took out a full-page ad in the London Times to make it look like France wanted to annex Belgium. The public was outraged and sided with Prussia. Prussia did have the support of Russia and Italy. "The secret of politics? Make a good treaty with Russia." -von Bismarck
  • Prussian Defeat of France

    Prussian Defeat of France
    -everyone thought Prussia would lose because of France's military genius
    -were proved wrong when Prussian training, equipment, leadership, and organization was shown to be clearly superior to France's
    -France surrendered after six weeks of fighting
  • Results of Franco-Prussian War

    Results of Franco-Prussian War
    1. Prussia annexed Alsace and Lorraine, which France and Prussia had been fighting over since the Treaty of Verdun in 843 A.D.
    2. Unification of Germany
  • House of Krupp

    House of Krupp
    founded in this year
    Started as a small company with 70 workers but became an industrial complex producing worldwide
    Produced steel and weapons
    Founded by August Thyssen
  • Economic Development

    Economic Development
    single currencyreorganized banking systemcoordinated railroads
    determined to maintain economic strength and military power through depression
  • Creation of New Constitution

    -drafted by von Bismarck
    -two-house legislature
    1. Boundesrat
    2. Reichstag
    -because Boundesrat could veto any decisions of the Reichstag, the kaiser and his chancellor held all the real power
    -"A governement must bot waiver once it has chosen its course. It must not look to the left or right but go forward."-von Bismarck
  • Unification of German States and Crowning of Kaiser Wilhelm I

    Unification of German States and Crowning of Kaiser Wilhelm I
    -Wilhelm I was crowned Kaiser, or emperor, of Germany in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles.
    -beginning of Second Reich, or empire, celebrated by German nationalists
    -Kaiser Wilhelm I coronation at Versailles, once a symbol of French power and pride, humiliated French
    -German states unified under by declaration of Second Reich
    -"An appeal to fear never finds an echo in German Hearts."-von Bismarck