
History of the Hawaiian Monarchy Lyon S

  • Overturn Naha Stone

    Overturn Naha Stone
    The Naha Stone weighs about 2 tons or 4,000 pounds. The legend stated that anyone that can move the Naha stone could rule all of Hawaii. Kamehameha overturned the Naha Stone when he was only 14 years old. By doing that it showed that one day he would become a great chief and rule all of hawaii someday.
  • Period: to

    Unification Hawaii

  • Metting Captian Cook.

    Metting Captian Cook.
    In January 1 1778 Captain James Cook came to hawaii. People thought he was the god Lono since Lono said he would return on a ship. The Hawaiians also gave him and his crew fresh water and food. After the Hawaiians gave him food, freshwater and repairing his ship Cook decided it was time to leave. But, a storm forced him to come back to Hawaii. The Hawaiians now thought that cook was not a god and stole one of his ships. Cook took one of the hawaiians and in doing so he died.
  • Loss of popluation, 1778.

    In 1778, 500,00 native hawiians died.
  • Discovering Hawaii.

    Discovering Hawaii.
    In januaray 18 1778 Captain james cook discord the hawaiian islands.
  • Kalaniʻōpuʻu's death

    Kalaniʻōpuʻu's death
    In April 1782 Kalaniʻōpuʻu's died. With his death Kīwalaʻō took over the kingship of Hawaii island. Kamehameha didn't like since in order to make all of Hawaii one big kingdom. In July 1782 Kiwalaʻo had a meeting with Kamehameha and was killed by spear thoren my one of his officers. It's a tradition for someone to throw at spear at the visiting chief.
  • Battle of Nu’uanu.

    Battle of Nu’uanu.
    The Battle of Nuʻuanu took place in May of 1795 in Nuʻuanu valley on Oʻahu. Some O'ahu warriors were driven over a cliff. In 1898 construction workers working on Pali road found over 800 skulls which are to be believed as the skulls of the O'ahu warriors. After this battle King Kamehameha had almost all control of Hawaii.
  • Kamehameha attempts attack on kauai.

    Kamehameha attempts attack on kauai.
    In 1796 Kamehameha attempts to attack Kauai. It sadly failed. In 1803 he tried again to conquer Kauai. But failed due to illness that killed most of his army. Finally in 1810 Kamehameha brings the biggest army. Kaumuali'i agrees to to peacefully have a aggrement and then, Kamehameha takes control of all Hawaii.
  • Sandlewood Trade.

    Sandlewood Trade.
    Sandlewood beacame a important export item for Hawaii. People came searching for Sandlewood in the earily 1790's. The peak of the trade reached in 1818. Most of the trading wad done with Americans. But China also had a intrest in Sandlewood. Soon after Kamehamaha put a kapu on young and small Sandlewood trees to protect them.
  • Kaumualii makes agreement with Kamehameha

    Kaumualii makes agreement with Kamehameha
    After 2 failed times of Kamehameha trying to conquered Kauai Kaumualii made a peace agreement. stating that Kaumualii get a part of Kauai and Kamehameha get a part. If it wasn't for this plan there would be more fights between Kamehameha and Kaumualii. If that was the case they probably would be a different history about Hawaii. With all his help from Isaac Davis, John Young, and George Vancouver. it made a big diffence in hawaii history.
  • Island chain united

    Island chain united
    Sometime in 1810 the hawaiian islands where all united.
  • Period: to

    rule of Ka'ahumanu as Kuhina Nui

    After Kamehameha the first died Lihioliho took over as king. Ka'ahumanu, Kamehameha favorite wife was mad that she had no power. So she got his cloak,speare and other stuff to convince him to make her Kuhina Nui.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Liholiho

    The reign of Liholiho started on may 20 1819 and then ended on july 14 1824. Even tho his reign only lasted 5 years he changed one very importnat facter that chaneged hawaii for ever. He got rid of kapu whiched was the hawiians main religon.
  • The End of Kapu

    The End of Kapu
    Kapu started going down hill when Kamehameha died. Ka'ahumanu did not like kapu since it had restrions on women. So she gatherd Kamehameha spear,cloak and jacket to try to convince Liholiho to give her some power. Liholiho did give her power but not that much. She needed to end kapu, in which she did. It was a little hard but after Lihliho sat down and eat with Ka'ahumanu it was a sign to the hawaiians that kapu was over.
  • The first Missionaries

    The first Missionaries
    In March 30, 1820 the first Missionaries come to hawaii.
  • Period: to

    whaling economy

    Whaling was very popular beacuse of their oil. Hawaii became a big hotspot beaucse of how remote it his from everywere else. The europeans were stopping by hawaii for a pit stop to refit their ship. In 1871 in america they found oil. There where no need for whaling beacuse the other methoed was easier.
  • Loss of population, 1825

    In 1825 120,00 native hawaiians died.
  • FIrst suger plantation in hawaii.

    FIrst suger plantation in hawaii.
    Sometime in 1835 the first suger plantation was built in hawaii. The sueger plantation was built in 1835 by Ladd & Co. In 1836 they came out with over 8,000 pounds of suger. This batch was shiped to the untied states. The suger plantation was built in Kola and became the first of many.
  • The Great Mahele of 1848.

    The Great Mahele of 1848.
    More and more forigners and commoners came to hawaii. All these people wanted land for suger plating. The land was there, but they needed to get legal ownership of the land. So many people wanted land that the hawaiian goverment was forced to set up mahele. That means to divide from other people lands.
  • Loss of population, 1850

    In 1850, 70,00 native hawaiias died.
  • Prince albert died.

    Prince albert died.
    Prince albert died on Augest 27, 1862 at age of 4.
  • Loss of population, 1900

    In 1900, 30,00 native hawiians died.