
  • 1754 BCE

    The Code of King Hammurabi

    The kings words are absolute and no one is wiser than him. 
    Any punishment for a crime will be of an "eye for an eye" aspect
  • 1215

    The Magna Carta

    A person may not be arrested or jailed without witness' corroboration 
    A freeman (a noble...not necessarily any person, serfs were exempt) must be found guilty by a group of his peers before any punishment can be enforced.
    Everyone (again only nobles, not serfs) is guaranteed the right to justice
  • John Locke: Concerning Civil Gov't

    That only the laws of nature should determine the freedoms of man and not the legislative authority of men.
    The freedoms of man in society can only be determined by the legislative branch of gov't.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    The idea of this declaration is to guarantee individuals human rights
  • Amendment XV to Constitution of U.S.

    Gives all people in the U.S. the right to vote
  • New Zealand: Election Act

    The key idea of this act was to guarantee voting rights to all women.  This included giving voting rights to the Maori and Pakeha peoples.
  • U.N. Declaration of Human Rights

    Common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations
    Every individual and section of society will promote respect for these rights and freedoms through teachings and education
    For member states to recognize and observe said rights and freedoms among themselves and territories they control
  • European Member States

    Sets out objectives for the new Union of European Nations
    Resolves itself to create a new state of cooperation within the European states
    Understanding the importance of ending divisions within the European continent in order to build a better society
    Confirms individual nation's attachment with things like liberty, democracy, human rights, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law.