U.S. History: 1877-2008

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    Early American history

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    Civil war/Reconstruction

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    The gilded age

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    The progressive era

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    World war 1

  • communism

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    Roaring twenties

  • The Union Of Socialist Republics

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    Great depression

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    World war 2

  • United nations formed

  • Period: to

    Early cold war

  • Period: to

    End of the cold war

  • containment

  • 22nd Amendment

    The 22nd amendment states no president shall serve more then 2 terms.
  • Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine was to stop the expansion of the soviets.
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    The purpose of containment was to slow and stop the spread of communism.
  • Berlin Airlift

    The Berlin airlift was one of the first major international crisis of the Cold war.
  • Marshall Plan

    Also known as the European recovery plan, The Marshall plan was to provide aid to western Europe following ww2.
  • Arms Race/Space Race

    The space race was a competition between the soviet union and the united states to achieve superior space flight capability.
  • NATO Established

    NATO implemented the signing of the north Atlantic treaty.
  • domino theory

    The Domino Theory is a theory that a political event might influence ideas in neighboring country's.
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    Civil rights era

    The social rights era was a struggle for social justice.
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    Korean War

    The Korean war was a war between north and south Korea.
  • Rosenberg's Trail

    The Rosenberg trail was based on the conspiracy of Ethel Rosenberg committing espionage.
  • The First H-bomb detonated by the united states

    The H bomb is also known as the worlds first hydrogen bomb.
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    Vietnam war

    Also known as the Indochina war, the Vietnam war was a battle against the US and Vietnam over the potential spread of communism
  • Jonas Salk invents the Polio Vaccine

    Jonas Salk created the vaccine that defeated the virus that causes the crippling disease of polio.
  • USSR launches Sputnik

    The Sputnik is the first artificial satellite lunched from earth by the soviet union.
  • Period: to

    1990s-21s century