Title page


  • The 1946

    The 1946
    Alaskan M 7.8 Earthquake produced tsunami in the Hawaiian islands that Killed about 160 people
  • The 1960

    The 1960
    Chile Magnitude 9.6 Earthquake that triggered a tsunami in Hawaii that killed 61 people after traveling for 15 hours across the ocean
  • The 1964

    The 1964
    Alaska magnitude 9.2 Earthquake triggers deadly tsunami that kills 130 people in Alaska and California
  • The 1993

    The 1993
    Magnitude 7.3 Earthquake in the Sea of Japan caused a tsunami that killed 120 people in Okushiri Island, Japan.
  • The 1998

    The 1998
    Papua New Guinea Magnitude 7.1 Earthquake triggers submarine landslide that produces tsunami killing 2100 people
  • the 2004

    the 2004
    Sumatra magnitude 9.1 earthquake triggers tsunami that killed about 230,000 people
  • The 2009

    The 2009
    Samoa magnitude 8.1 earthquake generated a tsunami that killed about 200 people
  • The 2010

    The 2010
    Chile magnitude 8.8 Earthquake triggers tsunami that killed about 700 people in coastal towns
  • 2011

    Japan magnitude 9.1 earthquake triggers tsunami that kills over 20,000 people