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Deadly Tsunami- Sophia Colantuno

  • Lisbon, Portugal earthquake

    Lisbon, Portugal earthquake
    Magnitude of the Earthquake is 9.
    Death toll from the resultant tsunami is around 20,000 people.
    Some interesting facts are that this tsunami also resulted in fires and it occurred on all Saints day.
  • Krakatoa volcano in the Sundra Strait

    Krakatoa volcano in the Sundra Strait
    Magnitude of the Earthquake was 35 meters.
    Death toll from the resultant tsunami was 36,000 people.
    Some interesting facts were it destroyed 165 villages and the top of this volcano dropped into the ocean causing a tsunami .
  • Aleutians earthquake in Alaska to Hawaii

    Aleutians earthquake in Alaska to Hawaii
    Magnitude of the Earthquake is 8.1.
    Death toll from the resultant tsunami is 160 people.
    Some interesting facts are that the earthquake in Alaska triggered tidal waves through the pacific ocean and that the first wave, the “monster wave” was 2 miles long.
  • Chile earthquake

     Chile earthquake
    Magnitude of the Earthquake is 9.5.
    Death toll from the resultant tsunami was 5,700 people.
    Some interesting facts were that the tsunami traveled for 15 hours across the pacific ocean, 2 million people were left homeless, and it was the largest earthquake ever instrumentally recorded.
  • Alaska and california Earthquake

     Alaska and california Earthquake
    The magnitude of the Earthquake was 9.2.
    Death toll from the resultant tsunami was 130 people.
    Some interesting facts were the earthquake lasted 4.5 minutes and was the most powerful one recorded in US history and it was the second largest recorded earthquake ever in the world.
  • Sea of Japan Earthquake Okushiri and Hokkaido

    Sea of Japan Earthquake Okushiri and Hokkaido
    The Magnitude of the Earthquake was 7.8.
    Death toll from the resultant tsunami was 120 people.
    Some interesting facts were that the Tsunami hit Okushiri Island, Japan, and the earthquake also caused a landslide is Okushiri.
  • Papua New Guinea earthquake Sandaun Province

    Papua New Guinea earthquake Sandaun Province
    The magnitude of the Earthquake is 7.1.
    The Death toll from the resultant tsunami was 2,100 people.
    Some interesting facts were that the earthquake triggered a submarine landslide and the aftershocks lasted the whole night.
  • Sumatra in Indonesia

    Sumatra in Indonesia
    The magnitude of the Earthquake was 9.1.
    The death toll from the resultant tsunami was 230,000 people.
    Some interesting facts were that the length of the earthquake was 1500 km and the rupture lasted 10 minutes.
  • Samoa earthquake in Southern Pacific Ocean

     Samoa earthquake in Southern Pacific Ocean
    The Magnitude of the Earthquake was 8.1.
    The Death toll from the resultant tsunami was 200 people.
    Some interesting facts were that this was the largest amount of deaths due to a tsunami in the 21st century and the Pacific plate subducted westward beneath the Australia plate at the Tonga Trench.
  • Chile earthquake

     Chile earthquake
    The Magnitude of the Earthquake was 8.8.
    The Death toll from the resultant tsunami was 700 people.
    Some interesting facts were that the initial event was succeeded in the following weeks by hundreds of aftershocks and it was considered to be the most powerful earthquake ever recorded.
  • Japan earthquake

    Japan earthquake
    The Magnitude of the Earthquake was 9.1.
    The Death toll from the resultant tsunami was 20,000.
    Some interesting facts were that it was felt all around the world, from Norway's fjords to Antarctica's ice sheet and it was the costliest natural disaster in world history.