Timeline project

By Maulika
  • Prenetal development and birth-Biosocial

    Every mother takes care of her child since it is growing up in her fetus. Nine months my mother holded me in her uterus and nurished me with her love and care. I am the second child. when I was born I was more healthy, perfect weighted and mature than my elder sister who had a very few chances that she would survive because of my mother's young age and less prenetal care. But, during her second pregnancy she took care me very well.
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    Prenetal Development

    The preparation to welcome a new baby girl in the world.
  • Prenatal develpoment-Psychosocial

    The nine months of prenatal development, the baby starts bonding with parents and feel the touch with the family and surroundings. I guess It was right for me too. My mother told me that whenever I was hearing a music, I started kicking and moving for first time. I can see why I am so close to my family and so emotional for them. Its because of the warmth, lovely atmosphere I was having during those nine months.
  • Prenetal develpoment-Cognitive

    My family was so traditional but they don't believe in gender difference. For my parents and family, it was not matter that they have boy or girl. They never ask for only Boy. For them, Daoughter is a part of the Goddess. I was grown up in so loving, caring and happy family. Everyday became so special for them after I was born. I am the most lovely child for my father. I got my father's thoughts, believes and nature who believe in god, helping others, saving poor people and always support truth.
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    First two years

  • First two years-Biosocial

    I was almost 18 inches in height and 15 pounds in weight, double the weight I had at birth. In first two years I was Growing up so fast mentally and physically. I used to sleep longer. I started taking small steps holding my father's hand and then made him run after me when I started running. My father told me that I was so active, fast learner and grasping the things so quickly that I recognized easily when I saw that agian. Different smells, taste, sound and touches made my face expressive
  • first two years-psychosocial

    At this point of life, child gain the trust, emotional and self control depending on how the relations are with the parents and family. I was dependent on my parents and family for food, clothing, nurturing, warmth or love. So,I trusted on them and bonded with depending on the quality of relation. I have elder sister, so I have to share my things with her. We were fight a lot and very next moment we were playing together. I never cry if I didn't get anything that I want. I was not a crying baby.
  • first two years-Cognitive

    I used to stay out and play with other kids in street. In india, kids are live outside to pay around with everybody to make us more independent. when I learn few words, my parents were shocked that how come I have learn this word without hearing that word before.It was because of I learn the langauge by memorizing and knowing the meaning when, where and how that word was used before. I learnt our Gujarati language without my parents and family's guidenace. Those kind of things comes from genes.
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    Play years

  • early childhood-Biosocial

    Compare to other children I was tall(3-3/4") and so chabby. I was just eating everything so, my mother never had to worry about me. I like all kind the food. I was keep eating all the time. I was a dady's little girl,helping him in his outside works like gardening, bike riding, watering. I was used to go out with my father to farms, our stores and store rooms where we kept all the big bags of grains. We have a wholesale grain bussines so, I was running, climbing on the big stacks of grain bags.
  • Early childhood-Cognitive

    Education was the first thing in our family. So, I had been studied in best schools. My grasping power was good since kindergarten. When I went with my daddy, he genrally asked me to call somebody or told me to give some stuff to someone, I was remember that person's face and names that who is who. Instead of playing with toys I was playing with the things around me. so, I didn't cry that much for anything. I sang poems, summerized alphabets and numericals, when I was playing alone in my mood
  • Early childhood-Psychosocial

    I was so emotional and so now. I had my brother born in 1991 who was 5 years younger then me. But, after he came in our life, I was the first person who played most of the time with my brother. I love kids from beggining. I was only six but i was holding two kids in my both arms in the street even though they were almost half of the weight then mine. My father tought me the lessons if I lied to him or if I rejected to do something that I had to or even if I broke the rules of the house.
  • Period: to

    Play Years

  • Middle childhood-Biosocial

    When I was seven, I had stomach problems. Whatever I ate, it started hurting me. Physically, by weight and height I was ok, but, my health was not that good. My mother and grandmother were did so many things to make me healthy. Because my mother used to say that person's health is depend on what did their habits and health careness in childhood. So, she took care of me very well.she tried her best to make me feel better. If something happened to me she came running for me.
  • Middle childhood-Cognitive

    I had my own imaginary world of thoughts. I was in first grade and my freind was 1 year younger then me. But, I liked to hang out with her. so, after I came from school around 12.00, I went to school with her in kindergarten in our village school. My mother packed me a lunch box and then without anything in my hands I went with her and came back together. At that time i didn't think of anything except going alone without my freind. My autoride uncle was daily picked me up flower for classteacher
  • middle childhood-psychosocial

    Freinds and family mean so much to me. I always dreamed about to save my family in hard time and care about them since my childhood. I always felt like Am I going to stay with them forever? Sometime I got scare at night and wake up middle of night. One day I didn't saw anybody in the house at night and I started crying laudly and screeming for my parents that where are they. So funny! They were at our neigbour's house watching TV. I told my parents not to leave me alone in dark from that day.
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  • Adolescence-Biosocial

    I Was growing up faster in High school. My height was 5'2" and also I was fo fatty till tenth garde but after that I lost weight in eleventh grade because, I was so shy seeing other girl looking nice and acting like girl. I was a boy for my father. but as i grew up I became so picky for clothes, hairstyles, food and fashion. My helped my father more and he was also teaching me the work like boys. So, I had kind of both personalities depend on what place, what situation and with whom I was.
  • Adolescence-Cognitive

    I was younger then my sister. but, in loookwise, I looked elder then her. So, people responded me like I was mature.Which made me understand my responsibilities toward the family and society. I learnt so many things in early age. My thoughts were big, mature and logical. My speach became more polite, kind and nervous as other girls do. I thought before I took steps ahead. Knowing the limits that one girl should have, kept me in small working zone where I was more dicipline and decent.
  • Adolescence-psychosocial

    By the time I finished my high school, I was ready to become a part of other family for the society. I mean by Marriege. but, my parents wanted me to study further and enjoy the life before I have more responsibilities and tasks to perform. They gave me support in my future goals going agianst the society and our culture. they believe that girls have the same opportunity to live the life. I saw th outside world and how to survive in it, became more tough and independent but respecting relations
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    Emerging Adulthood

  • Emerging Adulthood

    There is a little window between adolscence and adulthood. This is the time when I started thinking about how people going to react and what society is going to talk about me and my behavior. I was so scare to talk to somebody. So shy to come in open public talk or any family events. I was getting mature but I didn't want to let others know that I am growing up in big girl.It was like I know what is right but I was shy to do so.
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    It showing only till the year 2030 instead of 2053 to make the timespan stages look more neat and clean.
  • Adulthood- Biosocial

    Girls normally reach their maximum height during Adolsence but their mental growth increase gradually. I was fully grown out in height and weight. The sexual characteristics were at peak by the age of 19. This the age when my face was coming out in bright and can see the girlly characteristic in my behavior. I got married in 2010, but we are not thinking of having baby for atleast another 3 years untill I will finish my studies. Like other girls, I also dream for being a good mother after marrig
  • Adulthood-Psychosocial

    I finished my graduation before I came in this country. I saw a new world and learn so many things which lead me to the path of the life. On social facts I was old enough to marry for my parents. So, as soon as my elder sister got married I knew it was my turn. The biggest and most important change of my life came in december 12,2010. I met a wonderful person as my life partner. Now, things got much better. I am more supportive verbally and financially, become more caring, loving and emotional.
  • Adulthood-Cognitive

    I decided to go to a science college. As I said I have to follow my sister because we were going in the same field. So it was so easy for me to get through the whole education process. I was more mature, realistic, took risks in my life, not only dealing with the problems but also finding the problems by my own, more open to ideas, knew my goals and direction in what I wanted to go for my future. At that time I did think of geeting married because now at this stage when I need a life partner.
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    Late adulthood

  • Late Adulthod-Biosocial

    It is the genes that make the living organism, inheritant the aging and it is the genes again who make the cell to deteriorate and die. I might have diabetes as in my family history diabetes is the commomn one. But, I will take care of diet,excersice regularly and also I won't take to much stress. I wanted to live healthy and happy how much I live. In my family, The average expectancy of age is 75-80 and I am also wanted to live till that age to completly enjoy my life with joy and happyness.
  • Late Adulthood-Psychosocial

    At the age of 65, seeting on the coach with my husband, I want to look back on my life and feel the sence of fulfillness. I dont' want to keep any regrets in my life. Seeing my chiidren happy, playing with my grandchildren. I wish I can make people happy through out my life and I want to live the life that we have from god as a gift and pray to god for good.
  • Late adulthood- Cognitive

    I might loss my memmory or inteligence. I will not be recognizing the family people. Take longer tiome to response. But, However I will be I want to live my whole life with my husband. Red color, all the ornaments are good signs for a marreid woma and I want to have that till the last momments of my life. It believed to be a lucky woman who has die before her husband does. Because if husband dies first then woman has to put on white color and no ornaments which is like no color left in my life.