Timeline of the Internet

  • First satellite

    First satellite
    The Soviet Union launched the first satellite it was named Sputnik. Causing the U.S. president to create the ARPA agency to stay ahead in technology.

    ARPANET went live and the first communications between Leonard Kleinrock’s research center and Douglass Engelbarts’s center.
  • E-mail invented

    E-mail invented
    E-mail was invented by a man named Ray Tomlinson. He lived and worked Cambridge Mass.
  • TCP/IP

    Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol was designed to help communication over the web.
  • Internet

    First use of the term “Internet” is used.
  • E-mail popular

    E-mail popular
    E-mail becomes the standard for communicating from computer to computer over the internet.
  • Advertisments and E-mail

    Advertisments and E-mail
    Presidential candidate Jimmy Carter and running mate use E-mail for campaign and queen Elizabeth is the first leader to send e-mail.
  • Extensions

    DNS is connected with network addresses for extensions such as .com .org .edu or .gov
  • Major virus

    Major virus
    A virus shuts down 10% of the world’s internet services it was called the internet worm.

    The ARPANET retired and transferred to the NSFNET.
  • FTP

    Peter Deutsch he created Archie an archive of FTP sites this is the first time any one tried to index the internet.
  • Napster

    College student Shawn Fanning invents Napster, a computer application that allows users to swap music over the Internet.
  • Supercomputing

    Marc Anderson developed the Mosaic for supercomputing it becomes the dominant navigating system.
  • White House

    White House
    A new website is launched by the white house it is called www.whitehouse.gov. Mass marketing campaigns are launched via email. This introduces a new term of spamming.
  • Dial up

    Dial up
    CompuServe, America Online, and Prodigy start providing dial-up Internet access. Sun Microsystems releases the Internet programming language called Java. The Vatican launches its own website.
  • Households with computers

    Households with computers
    About 44% of U.S. houses have a computer.
  • Big hits

    Big hits
    Internet traffic records are broken 46 million hits in one day.
  • Google

    Google starts up and opens its first office in California.
  • Illegal Music

    Illegal Music
    It is recorded that internet users illegally download 2.6 billion music files.
  • Internet Worm

    Internet Worm
    Internet worm called MyDoom infected 1 in 12 emails.
  • YouTube

    YouTube is launched.
  • Websites

    96 million websites are live.
  • Music Legal

    Music Legal
    Legal music download tripled to 6.7 million downloads a week.
  • Microsoft buy's Yahoo

    Microsoft buy's Yahoo
    To challenge Google's dominance of search and advertising on the Internet, software giant Microsoft offers to buy Yahoo for $44.6 billion.
  • SOPA

    In January congress tries to pass a bill to stop illegal downloading but they are afraid it will give media companies too much power.