
  • invention of the telephone

    invention of the telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. the telephone was the first device in history that enabled people to talk directly with each other across large distances.
  • the blake transmitter

    the blake transmitter
    the blake transmitter was created by Francis Blake
  • invention of the desk telephone

    invention of the desk telephone
    the desk telephone was invented by David Edward Hughes
  • invention of the tapered shaft oil can

    invention of the tapered shaft oil can
    invented by Stromberg-Carlson
  • the first 11 digit strower telephone

    the first 11 digit strower telephone
    invented by Almon Strowger
  • first trans continental call

    first trans continental call
    made by Alexander Graham Bell
  • invention of the model 102 round base telephone

    invention of the model 102 round base telephone
    was invented by Western Electric