Timeline English do work 5

  • I had not been born when Jorge E. Gaitan was killed

    I had not been born when Jorge E. Gaitan was killed
  • When I was born the Atlanta Olympics opened

    When I was born the Atlanta Olympics opened
  • When George W. Bush was president I started the kindergarten

     When George W. Bush was president I started the  kindergarten
  • I started school the year of the Indian Ocean earthquake

    I started school the year of the Indian Ocean earthquake
  • I started high school when the earthquake in Chile happened

    I started high school when the earthquake in Chile happened
  • El Chapo Guzman escaped from prison in Mexico when I graduated from school

    El Chapo Guzman escaped from prison in Mexico when I graduated from school
  • When the Barranquilla carnival started, I bought my motorcycle

    When the Barranquilla carnival started, I bought my motorcycle
  • I had a son when Donald Trump became president of the United States.

    I had a son when Donald Trump became president of the United States.
  • Migration of Venezuelans, this year I started to study my technology

    Migration of Venezuelans, this year I started to study my technology
  • When the coronavirus started in wuhan, I was on the beach

    When the coronavirus started in wuhan, I was on the beach