Time Toast Continued

  • Manumission

    The former process of a slave owner giving their legal freedom.
  • Jefferson wrote the DOI

    Jefferson wrote the DOI
    In June 1776 Thomas Jefferson wrote the draft of the Declaration of Indeopence, including many changes later on from John Adams.
  • State Constitutions

    Since it was a weak central government, each state governed themselves for the time being. But each state had to create a constitution for themselves.
  • American and British Battle of Saratoga

    American and British Battle of Saratoga
    The battle was during the second year of the American Revolution. Two critical battles were fought eighteen days apart. It was a victory for the Americans and gave France the confidence to become an American ally.
  • Congress prohibits enslaved people imported to the US

  • Winter in Valley Forge

    Washington moved his troops to Valley Forge to spend the winter. The winter there was harsh with very little supplies. It was so bad that the troop had to resort to stealing from the local farmers for sustenance. Many soldiers died from illness or starvation. Though, the ones who survived trained to become great soldiers.
  • Jones Paul Jones & Serapis

    James Paul Jones captioned a small ship named Bonhomme Richard. Jones faced British ships named Serapis and Countless of Scarborough. Despite the fact that the Bonhomme Richard was smaller it still fought in battle and Jones won. The Britsh ship then surrendered.
  • British forces capture Charles Town

    The Seige of Charles Town, then Charleston after the war, was a major win for the British. After their withdrawal from Philadelphia, they then turned their focus to the southern colonies.
  • British surrender at Yorktown

    The French cut off supplies from the British and had to surrender due to lack of supplies.
  • Plans for first Federal Taz

    Since the Civil war, Congress was low on the country's finances. They offered the idea for a 5% tax on all imported goods. But the law could not be passed because all states voted but Rhode Island was against the tax.
  • Treaty of Prais

    A peace treaty between America and the British. The treaty ended the Revonlusary war and the British finally acknowledged America's independence.
  • The Ordinace of 1785

    This law sold land North of the Ohio River to new settlers and current settlers. The land was divided into townships then divided into smaller sections to sell. And these areas did not allow slaves.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    An uprising in Western Massachusetts because people did not agree with the new tax. The members of the rebellion were mostly poor people in Massachusetts. The rebellion led to George Washington becoming President.