
Thomas Kuhn

  • Thomas Kuhn

    Thomas Kuhn
    Thomas Kuhn was born on July 18, 1922 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Kuhn was a very well respected and known philosopher and American historian. He started his education at Harvard University and earned his Bachelors and Master's degrees in physics. Kuhn also earned his Ph.D. in history at Howard University. He did June 17, 1996 in Cambridge Massachusetts. Augustyn, Adam. "Thomas S. Kuhn." Britannica. July 14, 2019. Access from Kuhn.
  • Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn

    Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn
    Thomas Kuhn was most well known for his theory and fundamental beliefs in the paradigm shift. Paradigm shift means the important change that happens when the usual way of thinking or doing something is replaced by a new or different method. Kuhn wrote in his book that he believed that some scientists struggle with replacing an old paradigm for a new paradigm shift.
  • Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn Part 2

    Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn Part 2
    John Horgan interviews Thomas Kuhn in 1991 and asked him to elaborate on his book. "The book's most profound argument was less obvious: scientists can never truly understand the "real world" or even each other" (Horgan, 2012). It was speaking on scientists not letting go of the things they already knew for new ideas. Horgan, John. "Scientific Truth." Cross-Check. May 23, 2012. Accessed from
  • Thomas Kuhn, Philosophy and His Core Ideas

    Thomas Kuhn, Philosophy and His Core Ideas
    Thomas Kuhn had many ideas that helped mold the scientific revolution and philosophy. Ian Hacking talks about Kuhn's works and ideas in the following video. Intelecom. "Thomas Kuhn: His Core Ideas." Posted April 17, 2018. YouTube. Accessed from