The rise of the internet, web, and social media since 2014

  • The rise of social paid advertising

    Social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter offer paid advertising and continue to try to make it even better. For example, Twitter offers three different forms of paid advertising. Tweets, promoted accounts, and trends will count as differential forms of paid advertising.
  • Filters grant creative outlets

    Filters developed on applications like Snapchat, give users more and more resources and outlets for creativity. Whether it's a puppy, or fake sunglasses, posting on social media becomes even more interactive.
  • Live videos become a business

    Although live videos started in 2015, they became more popular and started to act as a resource for businesses. Media companies and brands started to pay celebrities to promote products during live streams.
  • The launch of Tik-Tok

    A video-sharing platform where users can create and edit 3-15 second videos and upload them for everyone to see.
  • Rise of virtual reality

    Snapchat brings augmented reality into the mainstream and virtual reality starts to interrupt newsfeeds on online news platforms. 360-degree reign video content on media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
  • Increases

    We see an increase in artificial intelligence and machine learning, and we also continue to witness the spread of fake news amongst the dark side of the web.