Francesco francia   madonna and saints (detail)   wga08174

The Renaissance Music Era

  • 1434

    The Medici family

    The Medici family
    The Medici Family becomes the head of the city-state of Florence
  • 1450

    Printing Press Invented

    Printing Press Invented
    Johannes Gutenberg invents the printing press
  • 1450


    Instrumental music takes root in Europe. During the Renaissance period, the music would consist of early brass instruments, small percussion instruments, early woodwind instruments, and adapted string instruments.
  • 1453

    The Ottoman Empire

    The Ottoman Empire
    The Ottoman Empire captures the city of Constantinople, signaling an end to the Byzantine Empire. Ottoman conquest of Constantinople: many Greek thinkers and workers travel westward; end of Hundred Years War: stability return to north-west Europe.
  • 1477

    Rebirth of Music

    Rebirth of Music
    Johannes Tinctoris, a theorist, announces the rebirth of music in his "Liber de arte Contrapuncti". This new form of music continued to flourish in the Religious forms such as masses, anthems, psalms, and motets. Towards the end of the period, some composers started to adopt more secular forms, such as the madrigal.
  • 1486

    The Birth of Venus

    The Birth of Venus
    Boticelli completes the painting The Birth of Venus
  • 1492

    The discovery of the Americas

    The discovery of the Americas
    The explorer Christopher Columbus discovers the Americas
  • 1495

    the Last Supper

    the Last Supper
    Leonardo do Vinci paints the Last Supper
  • 1499

    Music Degree

    Music Degree
    University at Oxford begins granting degrees in MUSIC
  • 1501

    Music Printings

    Music Printings
    Ottavio Petrucci invents music paintings/ printings. This Era brought and increased amount of harmony and polyphony into the music. Most composers focused on choral music.
  • 1503

    Mona Lisa

    Mona Lisa
    Leonardo da Vinci paints the Mona Lisa
  • 1517

    The start of the Reformation

    The start of the Reformation
    Martin Luther posts his 95 theses on the door of the Church of Wittenberg. This signals the start of the Reformation.
  • 1525

    Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

    Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
    An Italian composer who wrote more than 105 masses and 250 motets.
  • 1534

    The Seperation

    The Seperation
    Henry VIII separates the Church of England from the Catholic Church of Rome
  • 1543

    William Byrd

    William Byrd
    An English composer during this time period. He is well known for his development of the English madrigal. He too wrote and performed organ and virginal music that elevated the English keyboard style.
  • 1558

    The Golden Age

    The Golden Age
    Elizabeth I becomes the Queen of England: the start of the English "Golden Age".
  • 1558

    Major and Minor

    Major and Minor
    Gioseffo Zarlino publishes "Le istitution harmoniche", definition of modern major and minor scales. The second part of the period, composers moved away from the harmony music and more focused on the organization of major and minor scales.
  • Globe Theatre

    Globe Theatre
    William Shakespeare builds the Globe Theatre