obsolete video game consoles

By adami42
  • Atari 2600

    Atari 2600
    this is the original console the atari released great 8 bit side strollers it had one button and a joystick that's all you would have for a controller.
  • NES (Nintendo Entertainment System

    NES (Nintendo Entertainment System
    The Nintendo Entertainment System is the first ever game console to be released on the market. Little did they know that this console would be home to one of the greatest game in history super Mario bros.
  • SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment system)

    SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment system)
    Nintendo scraped the idea of 8 bit gaming and the SNES. This console was faster and better technology and unlike the first one the controller had 4 buttons making the consoles completely different.
  • PS1 (play station 1)

    PS1 (play station 1)
    the play station one had very few games since this was sonys first console they didn't have 3d graphics like the ps4 but instead its 8bit.
  • Nintendo 64

    Nintendo 64
    This console would change the whole gaming industry. Unlike the first two consoles this one is in 3D, it has good graphics, and an updated controller that has triggers and joysticks.
  • PS2 (Playstaytion 2)

    PS2 (Playstaytion 2)
    the ps2 was a slightly better play station 1 and sony started getting closer to 3d graphics and keeped all other technology from the previous console.
  • The original Xbox

    The original Xbox
    this is the first console that Microsoft produced and would eventually produce another iconic game Halo.
  • the Game Cube

    the Game Cube
    The game cube is not very different to the n64 the only differences were the games and an improvement in graphics.
  • Xbox 360

    Xbox 360
    the xbox 360 and ps3 were very alike the only differences they had were the controllers and some games were only for one console> to this day Xbox 360 was the best consol of all time and people still enjoy playing time to time.
  • PS3 (Play Station 3)

    PS3 (Play Station 3)
    the play station 3 was a very good console. this console was created as soon as sony learned 3D graphics. to this day people still play ps3 to just join public lobby's of call of duty black ops 2
  • wii

    the wii was another favorite console as it released some fan favorites like Mario cart, super Mario bros 3D, and the wii sports saga. the unique controller design would later inspire the next Nintendo console the Nintendo switch.