
8. The Interwar Period

  • Founding of NSDAP (Germany)

    Founding of NSDAP (Germany)
    The National Socialist Workers Party (NSDAP), known as the Nazi Party, was an active political party in Germany between 1920 and 1945.
    The head of state, Paul von Hindenburg, was pressured to agree with Hitler, who was appointed German chancellor on January 30, 1933. Once in office, Hitler decreed new elections in the middles of intense Nazi propaganda.
  • Founding of National Fascist Party (Italy)

    Founding of National Fascist Party (Italy)
    The National Fascist Party (PNF) was an Italian political party, the highest expression of fascism and the only legal political formation during the dictatorship of Benito Mussolini, between 1925 and 1943.
    The fascist symbol is the Roman Fasces which signified the power of the regime, in particular the jurisdictional power. Its leader Benito Mussolini, who was dictator of Italy, described it this way: Fascism is a great mobilization of material and moral forces.
  • March on Rome (Italy)

    March on Rome (Italy)
    The march on Rome, was a march to Rome organized by Benito Mussolini, then leader of the National Fascist Party, between 27 and 29 October 1922, which led to Italian power.
  • French occupation of the Ruhr (Germany)

    French occupation of the Ruhr (Germany)
    The occupation of the Ruhr between January 11, 1923 and August 25, 1925 by French and Belgian troops was the response to the failure of the Weimar Republic presided over by Friedrich Ebert in his obligation to take economic compensation to the allies after the Defeat of the German Empire in the First World War.
  • The Dawes Plan (USA)

    The Dawes Plan (USA)
    It is called Plan Dawes in the program established on April 9 of 1924, under the auspices of the United States to get the victorious allies of the First World War to get their war reparations established.
  • Death of Lenin (USSR)

    Death of Lenin (USSR)
    Vladimir Ilich Lenin (1870-1924), was a radical communist leader who led the revolution that would give way to the Soviet communist regime, designated as the Soviet Union, and which existed between 1922 and 1991.
    The Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics was established on December 30, 1922, and Vladimir Lenin died less than two years later from a cerebral hemorrhage at 54 years of age.
  • Forced collectivisation.Gulags (USSR)

    Forced collectivisation.Gulags (USSR)
    The collectivization was a policy on going by Iósif Stalin between 1928 and 1933, to consolidate the land in popular domain and works in farms of collective exploitation and farms of state exploitation.
  • Black Thursday (USA)

    Black Thursday (USA)
    Black Thursday ocurried on October 24, 1929, the day on which the fall began on the New York Stock Exchange and with it the Crack of 29 and the Great Depression. The collapse of the New York Stock Exchange on Black Thursday produced a situation of real panic that caused the subsequent banking crisis in the United States.
  • Reichstag fire (Germany)

    Reichstag fire (Germany)
    The fire of the Reichstag was a fire perpetrated against the building of the Reichstag in Berlin, on February 27, 1933.
  • President Roosevelt (USA)

    President Roosevelt (USA)
    Franklin, was a politician and a lawyer from the United States since 1933 to his death in 1945 and has been the only one to win four presidential elections in that nation.
  • Hitler, Führer and Chancellor of the Third Reich (Germany)

    Hitler, Führer and Chancellor of the Third Reich (Germany)
    Adolf Hitler was a German politician, a military, painter and german writer,of Austro-Hungarian origin imperial chancellor since 1933 and Führer-leader-of Germany from 1934 until his death.
  • Invasion of Ethiopia (Italy)

    Invasion of Ethiopia (Italy)
    The Italian Invasion of Ethiopia, also called the Second Italo-Ethiopian War, was a seven-month conflict between October 1935 and May 1936. It is seen as an example of expansionist politics.