the history of santa anna

  • The history of santa anna

    expedition of gaspar de partola of out mexico city then capital of new espain
  • san juan capistrano

    mission san juan capistrano was established within this valley this santana valley comprised most of wath is now called Orange Country
  • independence mexican

    year of the commencement of the war of mexican independence
  • mexican american

    after the mexican american war endenin 1848
  • population

    claimed in 1869 by kentuckin william spurgeon on land obtained from the descendents of jose antonio yorba santa anna was incorporate as city in 1886 with a population of 2000 and in 1889 bacame the seat of the newly formed orange country
  • pacific electric

    the pacific electric railwail from los angeles was esrenden to santana anna running along fourth street downtown
  • increising automobil

    increasing the ease of travel by automobil
  • before merging

    before merging whith the wrigth company in 1916
  • pacific system

    the tracks were removed along with much of the rest of the pacific electric system
  • santana anna

    santana anna has bee characterize by an effort torevitalize the downtown area which had daclined in influence
  • north of downtown

    was opened north of downtown and became a major retail center for the war