The History of Computers

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    History of Computers Timeline

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    History of Computers

  • John Napier

    John Napier
    A Scottish mathematician named John Napier invented a set of rods, which have become known as "Napier's Bones," that could be used to perform complex calculations.
  • Blaise Pascal

    Blaise Pascal
    Frenchman Blaise Pascal invents a machine that can add numbers up to eight digits.
  • Joseph-Maire Jacquard

    Joseph-Maire Jacquard
    In 1801, Joseph-Maire Jacquard developed a weaving loom that used punch cards to replicate designs. The introduction of the punched card was a revolutionary step toward computer input.
  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    Charles Babbage creates the first machine that actually approximated the idea of a computer.
  • Herman Hollerith

    Herman Hollerith
    Herman Hollerith creates a punched card calculator to count the U.S Census.
  • Lee De Forest

    Lee De Forest
    Lee De Forest invents the electronic tube, which made the development of electronic computers possible.
  • Howard H. Aiken

    Howard H. Aiken
    Howard H. Aiken develops a computer that was the first programmed controlled calculator.
  • Colossus

    A computer called Colossus was developed in Great Britain that took over the task of code-breaking.
  • Transistor

    The transistor wad developed, a device which could do the work of several electronic tubes, making computers use less electricity, be smaller, give off less heat, and be less expensive than the old tube models.
  • Integrated Circuit

    Integrated Circuit
    Computing was changed forever by the invention of the integrated circuit.