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The French and Indian War Timeline!

  • Washington's Trip

    Washington's Trip
    George Washington departs Williamsburg, Virginia for the Ohio Valley. He is sent by Virginia's governor to order the French to abandon their forts between Lake Erie and Forks of the Ohio River.
  • Tensions Grow

    Tensions Grow
    Tension grows between France and England over competing land and trading claims. Some skirmishes break out in rural areas.
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

  • Washington's Victory

    Washington's Victory
    Washington leads 150 Virginians to Victory over a French exploratory party. He defeats the French in a suprise attack.
  • Albany Congress

    Albany Congress
    Albany Congress approves Franklin's plan of the Union. Not all colonies accepted it.
  • Fort Necessity

    Fort Necessity
    Washington surrenders Fort Necessity to the French. They couldn't defend themselves because the rain storms had flooded the fort and damaged their amo.
  • Acadia

    The British seize Acadia (Nova AScotia). Colonial militia units were made up of men from Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Vermont.
  • Fort Duquesne

    Fort Duquesne
    British General Braddock's forces are defeated near Fort Duquesne in Pennsylvania by the French and Indians. Also called the Battle of the Wilderness, this defeat leaves the backwoods of the British territory undefended.
  • Lake George

    Lake George
    British forces win when Johnson and Hendrick triumph at Lake George. This win makes Johnson the first British hero of the war.
  • Acadian Expulsion

    Acadian Expulsion
    After refusing to swear loyalty to Great Britain, 6000 Acadians are expelled from Nova Scotia. Many Acadians were forcibly dispersed to English colonies along the Atlantic seaboard and as far away as Louisiana.
  • War Declared

    War Declared
    Britain and France officially declare war on one another, This European conflict will be labeled the Seven Years War.
  • William Pitt

    William Pitt
    William Pitt is named Secretary of State. He will commit the British government to allocate all resources necessay to defeat the French in America and on the European continent.
  • Fort William Henry

    Fort William Henry
    French General Montcalm forces the surrender at Fort William Henry, the site of an infamous massacre, as British troops and cvilians are attacked by France's Indian allies as they abandon the fort. More than 150 are killed.
  • Fort Carrillon

    Fort Carrillon
    The British suffered a costly defeat at Fort Carrillon. Even though they outnumbered the French four to one, the British suffered almost 2,000 casualties.
  • Louisbourg

    British General Jeffery Amherst captures Louisbourg, a French port on Nova Scotia. With this victory, the British are able to restrict French supply lines flowing down the Saint Lawrence River.
  • Fort Niagara

    Fort Niagara
    Johnson's English soldiers and Iroquois Indians capture Fort Niagara. After this victory and with the French abandoning Crown Point, the British control the entire western frontier.
  • Quebec

    The British win the battle of Quebec, where Montcalm and Wolfe, the commanding generals of bothe armies, die in battle. This battle is considered a turning point in the war.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris ends the French and Indian War. All French possesions east of the Mississippi, except New Orleans, are given to the British. All French possessions west of the Mississippi are given to the Spanish. France regains Martinique, Guadeloupe, and St. Lucia.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Parliament enacts the Stamp Act. This act was to impose a tax on printed materials in the colonies, to help defray the cost of keeping troops in America.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    Parliament enacts the Quartering Act. This act requires the colonists to provide housing, food, and other provisions for the British troops.
  • Liberty Pole

    Liberty Pole
    The Liberty Pole is erected in New York City to celebrate the repeal of the Stamp Act. The pole was periodically destroyed, only to be replaced.
  • Pontiac's Rebellion

    Pontiac's Rebellion
    Pontiac's Rebellion was a reaction to increased British control in North America, which brought unwanted white settlement into traditional Indian lands. The rebellion started on May 9th, 1763 and and ended December 31st, 1766.