The Evolution of TV's

By Rajmera
  • A picture gets transferred

    A picture gets transferred
    Abbe Giovanna Caselli created the Pantelegraph, basically, it could transfer images through wires.
  • Pictures to signals

    Pictures to signals
    Two scientists, Smith and May experimented with selenium, they figured out that instead of transferring pictures through wires, they could transfer pictures into signals, and could transfer those over wires.
  • The Photophone

    The Photophone
    Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison came up with the Photophone, it could basically transfer sound, but they figured out how to do the same thing with pictures.
  • The Nipkow Disk

    The Nipkow Disk
    A guy named Paul Nipkow found out how to send a bunch of pictures through wires, he used a rotating device to like move them.
  • The first TV

    The first TV
    Television was first successfully established in San Francisco on September 7, 1927. The thing was designed by a 21 year-old inventor who lived in a house that didn’t have electricity until he was 14.
  • USA's first TV station starts broadcasting

    USA's first TV station starts broadcasting
    The first television station began broadcasting on July 2, 1928. W3XK was like the first commercially licensed tv station, in America, it’s owned by Charles Francis Jenkins. W3XK aired radio movies until 1932 and broadcasted right outside of Washington D.C.
  • The first color TV

    The first color TV
    John Logie Baird gave the first demonstration of the color tv on July 3, 1928. John was born in Helensburgh, Scotland. He then moved to London, and in 1925 he managed to broadcast the image of a human face, and in 1926, he demonstrated to an audience of scientists. After that, John created the first television in natural colors, he demonstrated at the Long Acre Laboratory in 1928.