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The Evolution of Leopards

By bon2311
  • Period: Sep 11, 1000 to

    Evolutionary Period of Snow Leopard

  • Sep 11, 1100


    Miacids were the primitive animals that began the evolution of many modern animals in the world today. This animal gave rise to cats, bears, dogs, skunks, mongooses and hyenas. Miacids existed 62-63 million years ago for approximately 29 million years ago.Geographical Information: This species resided in Eurasia and North America and inhabited tropical rainforests.Features that have stayed the same: The main feature that remains from the Miacid to the leopard is its way of hunting. The species
  • Sep 11, 1300


    Evolving after the Miacid came the Proailurus. The Proailurus came from the group of Miacid called the Viverravidae which then led on to evolve into modern day cats. Geographical Area: Europe and AsiaFeatures that have changed or stayed the same: Binocular vision, similar dental structure, fur, tail, same diet of meatFossil evidence: Fossils of Proailurus have been found in Europe and Asia.
  • Sep 11, 1400


    20 million years ago, the Proailurus gave rise to Pseudaelurus. Pseudaelurus is an ancestor of today’s felines. It originated from Eurasia and was the first ever feline to reach North America, which explains how modern day cats can be found there.Geographical area: Europe, Asia and North AmericaFeatures that remain the same: Skeletons and fur is quite similar with rosettes.
  • Sep 11, 1500


    The Smilodon, more commonly known as the Saber-Tooth Cat is an extinct genus and ancestor of modern day cats such as tigers, lions, jaguars and leopards. The nickname ‘saber-tooth’ refers to the extreme length of their maxillary canine. This ancestor of the leopard was among the largest cats to have ever lived. The Smilodon became extinct at the end of the Pleistocene Epoch which was a long ice age, in around 10,000 BC, a time which saw the extinction of many other large herbivorous and

    Homotherium is an extinct ancestor of modern day felines and is commonly known as the scimitar cat. The last scimitar cats were in North America 10,000 years ago. Geographical Location: North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Africa

    The Panthera Pardus, most commonly known as the Leopard, if the modern day generation of its ancestors. The leopard is part of the genus ‘Panthera’ and is the smallest of the four cats in the genus, the other three being the tiger, lion and jaguar. All of the species in this genus have the same evolutionary timeline. The leopard currently has a declining geographical range and population and so as a result is listed as a “Near Threatened” species. Geographical Location: The leopard was once loc