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Timeline: The Californian Black Panther

  • Founding Document Established

    Founding Document Established
    Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale, two African-American students at Merritt College in Oakland, California, founded the Black Panther Party for SelfDefense in October 1966. They drafted the Ten-Point Platform and Program.
    The Ten-Point Program provided the Black Panther with its primary goals: decent housing; education, and education.
    Point 7 reads: we want an immediate end to police brutality and murder of black people.
    Jules Boykoff, and Martha Gies, 282.
  • Period: to

    California BPP Chapter

  • BBP's First Office

    BBP's First Office
    First BPP office opens in 5624 Grove Street, Oakland. Panthers then start an armed patrol of Oakland's streets.
    ( In Search of the Black Panther Party, 37.
  • California Capitol Hill

    California Capitol Hill
    Thirty armed Panthers and their supporters go to the California State Capitol at Sacramento to protest the Mulford Act. The Mulford Act was a reaction to the Panthers "copwatching" or "Policing the Police
    in their Oakland neighborhoods. After the national protest, then governor Reagan signs the policy into law.
    In Search of the Black Panther Party, 68, 329. Groundwork, 307-8.
  • Oakland Police Shooting

    Oakland officer John Frey is killed and officer Herbert Haines wounded in a predawn altercation after stopping Huey Newton; Newton is critically wounded. Huey Newton is then arrested for the shooting on murder charges later convicted of a manslaughter charge.
    In Search of the Black Panther Party, 194.
  • Panther Circulation Increase

    Panther Circulation Increase
    The Black Panther increases its circulation. Within a few short years, the party had an active membership numbering in the thousands, and a following that was many times larger. The Black Panther publication founded by the Panthers, had grown into a full-scale political organ, filled with news articles, speeches and bold political graphics.The weekly newspaper had a circulation of thousands of copies nationwide.
    ( Groundwork, 308.
  • Free Huey Campaign

    Free Huey Campaign
    A "Free Huey" rally is held at the Oakland Auditorium on Newton's birthday. The Free Movement launched to raise awareness about his case, was the catalyst for the Panthers' nationwide expansion. It was a congregation of all races of whites, blacks, and Latin peoples.
    Groundwork, 308.
  • Huey Conviction

    Huey Conviction
    A jury acquits Newton of murder in the shooting of two white police officers, but convicts him of voluntary manslaughter. He is sentenced to two to 15 years.
  • The Panther's Social Programs

    The Panther's Social Programs
    The Free Breakfast for Children program, Liberation Schools, and a Free Clothing Program were launched at St. Augustine's Church in Oakland. These programs empowered people to pool resources to address the lack of social services in their communities. This served as a trenchant critique of the government's unwillingness to provide for its poorest citizens, and an attempt to embody a socialist ethos and model alternative institutions.
    Groundwork, 308.
  • Seale's Arrest

    Seale is arrested in Berkeley on charges of inciting a riot at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago a year earlier.
    In Search of the Black Panther Party, 345.
  • Newton's Release

    Huey's conviction is overturned, and he is released after almost three years.
  • Seale's Charges Dropped

    Seale's Charges Dropped
    Bobby Seale’s murder conspiracy case is dismissed in New Haven, Conn., following dismissal of his case in Chicago. He is freed after 21 months in jail.
  • Seale Enters Politics

    Bobby Seale announces his candidacy for mayor of Oakland. He loses his runoff election.
  • Panther's Education Program

    The Oakland Community School is opened to educate the children on party members.
  • Chapter's Downfall

    The Black Panther Party is dissolved. Consequently, the school also closes at that time.