The 1970's

  • Break-up of the Beatles

    The break-up started with rumours until John Lennon privately left the group followed my Paul McCartney.
  • Floppy Disks Introduced

    With this invention the sharing of personal data transported externally was finally possible.
  • Decimal Day

    On this day the United Kingdom and Ireland decimalised their currencies.
  • VCR's are Introduced

    Allowed for domestic analog recording and was initially designed by Philips. It was the first successful consumer videocassette.
  • Pocket Calculators Introduced

    Because of transistors and new technology it was possible to make a small calculator able to fit in your pocket. They were however very expensive.
  • Munich Massacre

    A terrorist attack during the Olympic winter Games. Eight Palestinians killed two Israeli's and took nine more hostages. The hostage situation ended in a huge gunfight that left the nine hostages and five of the terrorists dead.
  • Abortion Legalized in the US

    The Supreme Court ruled a 7 to 2 vote in favor of the "Roe versus Wade" case.
  • The US Pulls Out of Vietnam

    When 540,000 American troops were fighting in Vietnam President Nixon announced troop withdrawal.
  • Ted Bundy Starts his Killing Spree

    Ted Bundy who kill 30 to 36+ people started his killings at this time. He was apprehended and escaped many times.
  • Mikhail Baryshnikov Defects

    The famous Russian ballet dancer defected from the USSR.
  • Cambodian Genocide

    The Cambodian Genocide was commited by the Khmer Rouge regime between 1975 and 1979.
  • Microsoft is Founded

    On this date Bill Gates founded Microsoft in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
  • Ebola Outbreaks in Sudan and Zaire

    Started with a cotton worker and then rapidly spread throughout sudan with a 53% fatality rate.
  • Elvis dies

    “Elvis Presley's death deprives our country of a part of itself. He was unique and irreplaceable. More than 20 years ago, he burst upon the scene with an impact that was unprecedented and will probably never be equaled. His music and his personality, fusing the styles of white country and black rhythm and blues, permanently changed the face of American popular culture." -Jimmy Carter
  • Star Wars: Episode IV "A New Hope" is released

    This movie dramatically affected movie's and TV. At the time the special affects were considered amazing.
  • First Test Tube Baby

    On this day thw worlds first "Test-Tube" baby was born.This was a triumph for medicine and science but also sparked debates on the ethics and future possiblities.
  • Three Mile Island Accident

    The Three Mile Island Accident was a partial meltdown of 1 of 2 reactors in Pennsylvania.