Technology in Business


    The Boeing 707-120 debuts as the world's first successful commercial jet airliner

    First computer with integrated circuit

    Telstar is launched as the first "active" communications satellite
  • Debit Card

    The debit card has been around since 1966
  • Email

    invented around this time
  • Cellphone

    First cellphone was successfully invented and used.
  • Personal Computer

    first personal computer is introduced
  • Microsoft Windows

    Microsoft came out with windows making computers easy to use
  • World Wide Web

    what we know as the internet was created
  • Web Cam invented

    web cam was invented which helps with business by making it possible to hold a meeting with someone over webcam
  • WiFi

    WiFi is invented
  • Smartphone

    term was first used in 1997 when Ericsson described its GS 88 "Penelope" concept as a "Smart Phone". First "smart phone" like product was sold in 1994
  • Facebook

    makes it easier to find people and contact them
  • Iphone

    The original iPhone was released in June 2007
  • Google Glass

    future technology making things easier for business