
  • The Fight

    The Fight
    A fight happened because like the colonists they left America about 17 years ago to have a better life and found an island they call land of dreams where all of their dreams came true. It is now a stevieocracy but it wasn't always...There was a huge come apart in trying to decide the rules, boundaries,and duties. There was a huge meeting and the leaders of the group, there are 7 of them, got together at a table in front of everyone(101 people) and no one could agree. Thus, a huge fight happened.
  • Resolution (Kind of)

    Resolution (Kind of)
    It took them a whole year and a half to figure out how to solve all of the arguments and come to an agreement that works for everyone. This agreement was written on a piece of paper and became a very important document for the people of the Island of Dreams. These could be changed if the majority made a decision to do so. It was called Guidelines.
  • What was next???

    What was next???
    For a few months this was enough but as the island developed they figure they would need a type of government... This is how it became a Stevieocracy. They liked the idea of a democracy but they wanted to put a spin on it. They elected a "president" her name was Stevie. They then decided to elect what you would call a congress those were the 7 people. They were called GOD. Group Of Decisions. They would help pass new laws and talk to the citizens and bring ideas back to Stevie.
  • The first Problem... MEETINGS

    The first Problem... MEETINGS
    All of the citizens had so many new ideas because everything was developing so fast. They all talked to the GODs and the GODs brought the idea to Stevie that there should be a monthly meeting as well to have a place for everyone to voice their opinions and everyone can vote on things that way.
  • The first meeting!

    The meeting first meeting was on October 24, 2001. It went very well and a ton of new rules were established. Original rules were altered as well to keep up with the new developments.
  • ZOOM

    ZOOM! Now were a few years in meetings keep happening lots of rules and changes everyone is getting along. Now originally the 101 people had to leave their loved ones at home until the island was more established. They discussed it and on this date their families and loved ones got to come to the island. It was a very exciting day but also very scary because it was going good and there was that fear that not everyone will adjust to the changes from America and be able to live by the new rules.
  • Bye Felicia!

    Bye Felicia!
    One family in particular, the Osterlohs... they couldn't follow the rules. the daughter, Emily, got to decide weather to stay or go back to america. She decided to stay. She said that if her family wanted to be with her bad enough they would have followed the rules. They loaded them on a ship and she kissed them goodbye. It was hard but everyone worked so hard to make it a good place, and everyone agree that thats what was best for the island.
  • Booming

    There are a lot of babies being born and people are dying... It is growing really nicely. Its better than they could have hoped for. Everyone is getting along and loving each other a few people have left voluntarily as well but it was left on good terms and they still visit.
  • Disease

    There was some disease going around. People were eating a type of seaweed that was making people ill and they lost a few lives but everyone was notified and fatalities have died way down. Sadly, One of the GOD members died, so a new member was elected in.
  • Present Day

    Present Day
    Stevie and the GODs are running everything smoothly... There are issues every once and a while but those issues for the most part get solved at the monthly meetings. They have added colleges and hospitals and there population is up to 4,613 people and counting!