
Speak-Laurie Halse Anderson-198

  • Chapter 1 Pg 1-32

    Melinda is a highschool student who is an outcast. She called the police at a end of the year party and now has no friends. Her teachers are misunderstanding her and her friends give her dirty looks. She meets a girl named Heather though and she is her only friend it seems. Personal-Nonfiction-Pg.1-32--Total(1197)
  • Chapter 1-a bit of 2 Pg 33-65

    Melinda finds an abandoned closet and she claims it as her own. Heather is pressureing her to a lot of activities and clubs. She is finding it harder to speak. She continually uses late passes to avoid class. Her art teacher allows her to stay and work on her art projects instead of going to the next class. Personal-Nonfiction-Pg.33-65--Total(1229)
  • Chapters 2-a bit of 3 Pg 66-97

    The school's new mascot is the wombats. It is Thanksgiving week and Melinda's dad attempts to make turkey soup. However, they ended up ordering pizza. On Christmas break, Melinda doesn't know what to say to her parents after they give her a special gift. She aslo must work all break with her parents. Personal-Nonfiction-Pg.66-97--Total(1260)
  • Chapter 3 Pg 98-136

    Melinda starts to ditch school now. She goes to the mall instead. Her priciple and parents bring her in because the principle sees how Melinds is coming late to class and is skipping school. She gets concequences like Saturday school. Melinda also flashes back to her horrifing party where she was raped by a senior. That's why she called the police, that's why everyone hates her. Personal-Nonfiction-Pg.98-136-- Total(1298)
  • Chatper 4 Pg 137-166

    Melinda learns that her ex-best friend is dating Andy Evens. She tries to leave warnings for her to stay away but nothing happens. Her newly found friend Ivy talks about what a jerk he really is. They both go to the bathroom to clean Melinda's shirt off and Melinda starts a new list on the stall that says: Guys to stay away from- Andy Evens. Personal-Nonfiction-Pg.137-166--Total(1327)
  • Chapter 4-end Pg 167-198

    Melinda decides she must talk to her now. First Ivy pulls her into the bathroom stall to find the new messages about Andy. It is all negative like he is a creep and a bastard. Melinda talks to Rachel and tells her how she was raped by Andy Evens at the party. She doesn't beleive her until prom. Andy sneeks up on Melinda while in her corner and tries to rape her again. This time she screams and help comes. Personal-Nonfiction-Pg.167-198--Total(1358)